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MALTATODAY 23 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 JUNE 2024 7 COMMERCIAL APS Bank empowers community with financial literacy sessions Kinnie Zero hits the shelves in Malta and Gozo MeDirect achieves top sustainability ranking SIMONDS Farsons Cisk plc announces the launch of the most re- cent addition to the Kinnie portfolio, Kinnie Zero. With zero sugar, Kin- nie Zero is a refresh- ing soft drink that does not compromise on the original and iconic Kin- nie taste. Susan Weenink Camilleri, Head of Sales and Marketing at Si- monds Farsons Cisk plc, said Kinnie Zero is an extremely important new launch for the Kin- nie brand. "Backed by extensive market research, it has been in the making for several years. Consum- ers have become more health-conscious than ever, with many making the switch to zero-sugar variant soft drinks," she said. "Kinnie Zero acknowl- edges and addresses this trend with its no sugar content, while still re- taining the classic Kin- nie experience we all know and love." Weenink Camilleri said Farsons prides itself on being at the forefront of innovation and the recent new and success- ful product launches and packaging devel- opments, including the launch of Kinnie Zero, are testament to this. The Kinnie portfo- lio also includes classic Kinnie, with its unmis- takable and unique bit- tersweet flavour remain- ing unchanged since its launch in 1952. Diet Kinnie, launched in 1984 is a low-calorie version. Kinnie Zest was launched in 2007 with an enhanced orange fla- vour and no added sug- ar. Kinnie Spritz, launched in 2021, is the brand's first foray into the alco- holic sector, and is a 4% ABV alcoholic aperitivo. Kinnie Zero is pro- duced, marketed and distributed by Simonds Farsons Cisk plc. It is available in 25cl returnable glass bottles, 33cl cans as well as 50cl, 1 litre and 1.5 litre PET bottles and can be found in leading bars, super- markets, confectioneries and groceries through- out Malta and Gozo. MEDIRECT, Malta's first dig- ital bank, has been awarded the EcoVadis Platinum Med- al. This prestigious award, presented by one of the most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings, placed MeDirect in the top 1 per cent of all companies assessed globally by EcoVadis over the past 12 months. An EcoVadis assessment considers an organisation's environmental, social and eth- ical performance. More than 130,000 companies are rated each year with scores awarded across multiple criteria. MeDi- rect's 2024 assessment saw the organisation being awarded the most prestigious medal by EcoVadis. Alberto Redondo Miro, Spe- cialist – Sustainability & ESG at MeDirect Malta, said, "This outstanding result highlights the hard work MeDirect is put- ting in to ensure the highest ESG standards. Whether it is reducing our carbon footprint or ensuring customers and col- leagues are treated with the ut- most fairness and respect, we are taking action and imple- menting the right policies to deliver a sustainable future for our organisation and society in general. There is, of course, much more to do and next year's EcoVadis rating will tell us how much further progress has been made." More information on Me- Direct's ESG Strategy can be found at https://www.medi- r e c t . c o m . m t / a b o u t - u s / s u s - tainability/. This link also provides access to the Group's annual Non-Financial Report and Sustainable Finance Dis- closures. Details on EcoVadis and its sustainability assess- ment can be found at https:// APS Bank is committed to promoting financial literacy, recognising its im- portant role in empowering individuals and fostering economic stability with- in the community. Colleagues are regularly invited to share their expertise to help the public make informed financial decisions. The Investment Distribution Team has presented various information ses- sions on long-term financial planning topics, such as the importance of pri- vate pensions, the value of occupation- al pensions and what employers need to prepare for the introduction of au- to-enrolment. Other sessions tailored for youths and newly-weds focused on budgeting skills and how to build an investment port- folio. Additionally, the Retail Team has shared insights on home loans, helping individuals navigate the complexities of real estate financing. Kenneth Genovese, Head of Invest- ment Distribution, emphasised, "Fi- nancial literacy is a cornerstone of community well-being. Such initiatives equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and resources to achieve fi- nancial independence and confidence. By promoting financial education, APS Bank is helping to build a better in- formed and resilient society." Left to right: Sinclair Cassar, Senior Branch Manager; Mark Lamb, Corporate Schemes Manager; Kenneth Genovese, Head of Investment Distribution; Shelaine Falzon, Business Development Manager; Darran Agius, Private Clients Relationship Manager

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