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MALTATODAY 23 June 2024

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THE Labour Party's parlia- mentary group has had wide ranging discussions to de- termine how to react to the European and local election results. The internal talks are not focussed and too much re- mains uncertain as the Prime Minister mulls changes to his Cabinet. But there is one issue no one has dared to raise despite being the most apparent problem that could hamper the party – Chris Fearne's fu- ture as deputy leader. Fearne resigned from Cab- inet and deputy prime min- ister last month after he was charged, along with several others, over the Vitals cor- ruption case. However, Fearne stayed on as deputy leader for parlia- mentary affairs. PAGE 4 KURT SANSONE YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 23 JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 1285 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Malta faces an excessive deficit procedure by the European Commission. But what does it mean? PAGES 2- 3 Cockroaches have arrived early this summer PAGE 9 Worry or not? Pests Gourmet Today maltatoday Labour's tale of two deputy leaders Be sure to get your copy with this edition of MaltaToday A seed of hope €1.95 PN secretary general PN secretary general Michael Piccinino Michael Piccinino on the party's MEP on the party's MEP election results election results and its objectives and its objectives INTERVIEW MT2 SEE ANALYSIS PAGES 10 - 11 Malta with least educated despite EU's third highest spend on education MALTA has one of the EU's highest shares of people with a low level of education, Eu- rostat data shows. According to the EU statistics agency, 40.8% of the population has less than up- per secondary education attainment. PAGE 6 Chris Fearne and his decision to remain deputy leader parliamentary affairs despite resigning from Cabinet is the elephant in the room • PL mulls statute change to allow MPs to contest deputy leader for party affairs post Alex Borg, Clint Camilleri, Anton Refalo and Gozo's blue turn MATTHEW FARRUGIA Chris Fearne on his way to Court to face charges over the Vitals case

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