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MaltaToday 26 June 2024 MIDWEEK

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CORRECTIONAL Services Agency Head of Strategy Svetlana Muscat has been put on forced leave after she was interrogated by the police, the Home Affairs Ministry has confirmed. The ministry did not confirm the details of the case, but told MaltaToday that the matter was "immediately flagged to the police." The incident happened last week, and the police are investigating. "The person in question has been on forced leave from her job at CSA since then," the spokesperson said. Sources who spoke to this newspaper said Svetlana Mus- cat was allegedly allowing people in into her office in pris- on to meet with Yorgen Fenech, who is awaiting trial for masterminding the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The sources said Muscat was interrogated at length on Saturday, and granted police bail. It is unclear whether charges have been filed yet. WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 26 JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 900 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY EDITORIAL • PAGE 11 MATTHEW AGIUS Prison official on forced leave after police interrogation Svetlana Muscat MATTHEW AGIUS & KARL AZZOPARDI | Court rules there is enough prima facie evidence for former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, his chief of staff Keith Schembri and former minister Konrad Mizzi to stand trial in the Vitals corruption case • No prima facie ground to indict company Sciacca Grill THERE are sufficient grounds to merit the indictment of Jo- seph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri and others for crimes relating to the fraudu- lent hospitals' concession. Magistrate Rachel Montebello issued the so-called prima facie decree at the end of Tuesday's sitting as the compilation of evidence against the disgraced former Prime Minister, former minister Mizzi and former OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri, who form part of the group of 14 persons and nine com- panies facing criminal charg- es, amongst them corruption, fraud, conspiracy and money laundering, in connection with the sale of three State hospitals to Vitals Global Healthcare. PAGE 5 VITALS CORRUPTION CASE Muscat, Schembri and Mizzi can stand trial

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