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MALTATODAY 30 June 2024

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KURT SANSONE YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 1286 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY The five people who have thrown their hat in ring to become judge at the European Court PAGE 9 No fines for who polluted St George's, Balluta bays PAGE 6 Your honour Sewage Architecture & Design maltatoday The search for a new European Commissioner: Abela's conundrum Be sure to get your copy with this edition of MaltaToday Political limbo €1.95 Former Former PL MEP Cyrus PL MEP Cyrus Engerer on leaving Engerer on leaving the party and how the party and how Labour is straying Labour is straying from its core values from its core values INTERVIEW MT2 Maternity triage needed due to blocking of beds MEDICAL researchers auditing Mater Dei Hospital's maternity ad- missions believe well over 53% of women who make 'unplanned pres- entations' to the central delivery suite, would be blocking beds inside the labour ward without a proper assessment in triage. PAGE 4 Graffitti activists stormed into a building site owned by Joseph Portelli in Qala to protest the construction of swimming pools on ODZ land for which the planning permit was revoked. SEE STORY ON PAGE 3 MATTHEW VELLA THERE is anticipation within government circles that Robert Abela may nominate his for- mer head of secretariat Glenn Micallef as Malta's next Eu- ropean commissioner despite misgivings. The Prime Minister has been sounding out various names for the post, a senior government official, who asked to remain anonymous like others quoted in this report, told MaltaToday. "Glenn Micallef's resigna- tion from head of secretari- at at the Office of the Prime Minister and his request to return back to Brussels have made his nomination all the more likely although there are misgivings because he never occupied a ministerial role," the official said. PAGE 2 Portelli's illegal Portelli's illegal swimming pools swimming pools

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