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MALTATODAY 30 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 30 JUNE 2024 6 OPINION Is the Pope worried about AI? IN an unprecedented move, Pope Fran- cis addressed the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, bringing a profound message on the ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence (AI). His speech empha- sised AI's transformative potential and significant risks, urging the world's most influential leaders to adopt a bal- anced and ethical approach to this rap- idly advancing technology. The Pope's decision to raise this topic with the G7 leaders highlights his deep concern about AI's impact on society. Pope Francis began by acknowledging AI as a monumental advancement, lik- ening it to a "true cognitive-industrial revolution." He highlighted AI's capac- ity to democratise access to knowledge, drive scientific research, and ease de- manding work. However, he also cau- tioned about its potential to deepen social inequalities, especially amongst underdeveloped nations and different social classes. This duality, he stressed, requires a nuanced understanding and a responsible approach to harness AI for the greater good. Central to his address was the con- cept of the "techno-human condition." Pope Francis elaborated on humanity's historical relationship with technology, noting that tools have always mediated our interaction with the environment. Far from being a deficiency, this rela- tionship signifies humanity's inherent openness to the world and the divine. Our technological creativity extends our God-given potential, enabling us to explore, innovate, and transcend our biological limitations. Most of the Pope's speech was dedi- cated to the distinction between hu- man and machine decision-making. While AI can make algorithmic choices based on statistical inferences, it lacks the capacity for true wisdom and eth- ical judgement, which are inherently human traits. He warned against del- egating critical decisions to machines, particularly in areas where human lives are at stake. The development of lethal autonomous weapons is a pressing con- cern, and he called for their prohibition to prevent machines from making life- and-death decisions. Moreover, the Pope highlighted the inherent biases in AI algorithms, which can perpetuate social injustices. He provided examples of AI applications in the judicial system, where decisions influenced by data on ethnicity and so- cio-economic background can lead to unfair outcomes. This, he argued, un- derscores the need for AI systems to be transparent and accountable, with hu- man oversight remaining paramount. Addressing the use of AI in education, the Pope expressed concerns about generative AI tools that produce essays and other academic work. He cautioned that relying on such tools might lead to a surface-level understanding, where students memorise information instead of critically analysing it to gain new in- sights. This could limit the learning ex- perience and impact the development of critical thinking skills essential for education. At the heart of his address was the call for a unified approach to AI eth- ics. Pope Francis proposed the devel- opment of an 'algor-ethics' framework, a set of global ethical principles for AI. He stressed the importance of this framework being supported by diverse cultures, religions, and international organisations. This collaborative effort, he argued, is crucial to ensure that AI development is inclusive and respectful of different values. Finally, he called for urgent political action to regulate AI, stressing that ef- fective governance involves a collabo- rative approach across various sectors and disciplines. He urged G7 leaders to ensure that AI enhances human crea- tivity and progress, not stifle it, there- by steering the world towards a future where technology and humanity coex- ist harmoniously. His address at the G7 summit marks a significant moment in the global dis- course on AI. While acknowledging its benefits, the Pope remains acutely aware of its dangers. He stresses the need for transparency, accountability, and human oversight to mitigate these risks. This perspective aligns with re- cent legislative efforts like the Euro- pean Union's AI Act. The AI Act aims to regulate AI technologies to ensure they are safe, ethical, and trustworthy. While this legislation is a step in the right direction, its effectiveness will only be proven over time. Like the Pope, we should approach AI cautiously since it promises major ad- vancements but also poses significant risks. The Pope's vision focuses on an AI that augments human creativity and progress within ethical bounds. A col- laborative effort from political leaders, technologists, and civil society is essen- tial to realising this. As we move for- ward, we must heed his advice because only by doing so can we harness AI's potential while safeguarding human dignity and promoting the common good. Pope Francis acknowledged AI as a monumental advancement, likening it to a "true cognitive-industrial revolution." Prof. Alexiei Dingli Department of Artifical Intelligence, University of Malta Alexiei Dingli The Pope's vision focuses on an AI that augments human creativity and progress within ethical bounds

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