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MALTATODAY 30 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 30 JUNE 2024 THIS IS A PAID COLLABORATION With the democratic process of the local council elections over and the new Local Councils around Malta and Gozo gearing up for another five years of work and dedication, the way is paved for Malta's Local Government to embark on a series of projects aimed at streamlining the whole sector. 476 local councillors in 54 lo- calities in Malta and 14 in Gozo reflect the wide dimension of the sector and the aspirations of residents for better public services and a better quality of life in our towns and villages. The June 8 election was the 23rd in the history of Local Government, with the past 31 years dedicated to projects and a determination to make of it the success some would have not anticipated, last December highlight- ed by the positive introduction of a new amendment to the law giving 16 and 17-year-olds the opportunity to assume to role of Mayor or Deputy Mayor. This exciting conglomeration of generations that now make up our local councils will help to serve as a welcome boost to the daily work- load ahead for the local and regional councils as well as all Local Govern- ment entities. All in a spirit of mutual goodwill that cannot fail to acknowl- edge the great work achieved along the past three decades. But it is now time to look ahead with a vision based on a strategy that marks the various directions the sector needs to take through much-needed repairs. Following broad consultations with all stakeholders, the National Strategic Vision for Local Government 2023-2030 generates the required motivation to put into motion an ac- tion plan that will take the sector right up to 2030 and onwards. The Strategic Vision is based on five major themes: • Good and effective governance • Regional resources for Local Councils • A cleaner environment for local- ities • Local Councils at the heart of the community • Digital priority within Local Gov- ernment These themes widely reflect the unique aim of combining the achieve- ments of the past with the aspirations and innovations of the new councils as they seek better opportunities and initiatives in the service of both their localities and their residents. GOOD GOVERNANCE No one knows better than the mayors and councillors the needs of their localities and communities. Their close relationship with the residents, who after all elect them, is the key to success and to a prospective period of change and rejuvenation. Good gov- ernance is guarantee to a better and more efficient process of decision-tak- ing that should lead to a recognised level of excellence. REGIONAL RESOURCES FOR LO- CAL COUNCILS The Government is committed to providing local and regional councils with the necessary tools and addi- tional financial support for the whole Local Government set-up to take measures and decisions that have a positive impact on residents every- where in Malta and Gozo. There is also the commitment to engaging with all partners involved in Local Gov- ernment with the aim of achieving the breakthrough envisaged in the Strategic Vision. A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT FOR LOCALITIES Social, environmental and infrastruc- tural challenges that every village and town face daily all form part of the ambitious project to help our localities achieve and enjoy a cleaner environ- ment. The Strategic Vision foresees an investment in tools and green waste-collection vehicles, more human resources and better, more efficient, and reliable services. Mayors and Councillors everywhere don't need convincing. The Strategy gives them strength and more than enough space to carry out reforms wherever neces- sary and to turn dreams into reality. LOCAL COUNCILS AT THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY The beckoning of a new era for local councils means more than enhanced administrative efficiency and better public services and funds, but also the value of contact with the community, made up of thousands of residents who after all chose and voted for their representatives, whatever their political colour. Their trust and their expectations. It means resident centricity lays the needs, expectations, and well-being of residents at the forefront of Local Gov- ernment actions. This principle empha- sises making decisions and implement- ing initiatives that directly benefit the community, ensuring that the residents' interests are always the priority. DIGITAL PRIORITY WITHIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT A centralised digitalisation process is one of the main aims of the Strategic Vision, to provide better communica- tion and treatment of issues and com- plaints, and the exchange of ideas and proposals between all Local Gov- ernment stakeholders, among them, first and foremost, the residents, local businesses, voluntary organisations, the Police Corp, Governmental enti- ties and others. Such a centralised digital system is the ideal tool to address such daily demands in real-time and in a more effective manner, for the process of internal and external communica- tion, particularly with the public, to be streamlined and able to meet all the challenges and aspirations of the communities. A NEW JOURNEY It is with a clear vision and mutual goodwill that we embark on this new journey together for the next five years. Last Tuesday's oath-taking ceremony no doubt triggered our renewed commitment to work with all local and regional councils in the service of all communities in Malta and Gozo. A vision and mutual goodwill

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