Architecture & Design

Architecture & Design June 2024

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Architecture & Design | 15 " " too far and few between to have any impact on our immediate environment. It is because of this that I feel the general population is nostalgic for the traditional building typology. A handful of local architects and designers really try to create meaningful and contextually appropriate buildings and spaces whilst still using 'modern' materials. Contemporary design and environmental schools of thought on a European level are now putting a great emphasis on retrofitting existing building stock. As professional designers, we can transform the mundane into something beautiful and functional, regardless of the starting point. HOW DOES MALTESE ARCHITECTURE INSPIRE OR INFLUENCE YOUR DESIGN AESTHETIC? I am deeply inspired by the aesthetic qualities found in the Maltese context. Whether it's the historical period of a building, which provides a rich design trajectory to create a holistic context, or a new build that requires a touch of the past to imbue it with soul, Maltese architecture significantly influences my design aesthetic. The unique blend of influences in Maltese architecture ranging from the Baroque and Renaissance periods to modern styles offers a wealth of inspiration. Integrating these elements allows me to create designs that are not only functional and contemporary but also deeply rooted in Malta's architectural heritage. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE CURRENT STATE OF QUALITY IN MALTESE ARCHITECTURE? Quite a mixed bag, with unfortunately not enough architecture and too many buildings. While we are learning and evolving, the field has become overrun with opportunists who sacrifice quality for quick profit. This trend has led to a proliferation of subpar developments that fail to respect the rich architectural heritage of Malta. However, there are also many dedicated professionals striving to uphold and enhance the quality of Maltese architecture. The challenge lies in promoting constructive development that respects and integrates our historical context while pushing for innovative and sustainable design solutions. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE UNIQUE CHALLENGES OR OPPORTUNITIES YOU ENCOUNTER WHEN WORKING ON PROJECTS IN MALTA, CONSIDERING ITS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL CONTEXT? Working on projects in Malta presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. One of the primary challenges is respecting the past while listening to the requirements of the future, and creating designs that seamlessly amalgamate the two in a functional and aesthetic way. Challenges: 1. Space and urban conservation: Malta's limited space and the need for careful urban conservation pose significant challenges. Balancing development with the preservation of historical sites requires thoughtful planning and innovative solutions. 2. High demands and delicate balance: There is a delicate balance between meeting the needs of local residents and addressing the pressures from tourism, which is a major contributor to the country's GDP. Ensuring that new developments serve both the local community and tourists without compromising quality or heritage is a constant challenge. While we are learning and evolving, the field has become overrun with opportunists who sacrifice quality for quick profit. This trend has led to a proliferation of subpar developments that fail to respect the rich architectural heritage of Malta. However, there are also many dedicated professionals striving to uphold and enhance the quality of Maltese architecture. B A Ħ A R I Ċ - Ċ A G Ħ A Q A PA R T M E N T

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