Architecture & Design

Architecture & Design June 2024

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Architecture & Design | 35 How Strategic Lighting Design Enhances Customer Experience LIGHTING AS A STORYTELLER Lighting can powerfully communicate a brand's identity and values. In a luxury store, such as a high-end car dealership, lighting can create a sense of exclusivity and sophistication with warm tones and indirect lighting that softens the environment and highlights the elegance of the vehicles. Strategically placed lights can draw attention to high-end cars, emphasising their quality, sleek lines, and luxurious details. Similarly, in other luxury settings like jewellery or high-end clothing stores, lighting can be used to highlight specific items, emphasising their quality and detail. In contrast, a sports store might use brighter, more dynamic lighting with high-intensity LEDs and vibrant colours to convey energy and vitality. Lighting can highlight areas like promotional sections, sports equipment testing zones, or interactive displays, fostering excitement and a stronger connection to the sports environment. LIGHTING STRATEGIES FOR DIFFERENT SPACES Lighting at the store entrance is crucial for attracting passers-by. Focal lights can make storefronts stand out, highlighting attractive products and creating a visual focal point that invites customers inside. Variations in light intensity and colour can create contrasts and direct attention to specific areas. Inside the store, general lighting should be welcoming and functional, ensuring customers can see and appreciate products without being dazzled. Lights can guide customers through the store, creating a natural flow that enhances the shopping experience. Fitting rooms benefit from lighting that mimics natural light, allowing customers to see products in different conditions. ADAPTABILITY OF LIGHTING IN THE SAME SPACE An innovative trend in lighting design is the ability to change lighting throughout the day or according to the seasons. This adaptability enhances space aesthetics and influences consumer behaviour and perception. For example, brighter, cooler lighting in the morning conveys energy and freshness, encouraging customers to start their day with vitality. As the day progresses, lighting can transition to warmer, softer tones, creating a relaxing atmosphere for leisurely product exploration. In the evening, warmer, more intimate lighting offers a cosy shopping experience, enticing customers to spend more time in the store. THE SCIENCE BEHIND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Studies have shown that lighting significantly affects consumer behaviour. University studies found that customers spend more time and money in stores with well-designed lighting. Light influences mood, product perception, and shopping pace. Dimmer lighting can relax customers and encourage exploration, while brighter lighting can accelerate shopping. Light colour also affects product perception: warm lights make products appear more attractive and of higher quality, while cool lights convey cleanliness and modernity. I n r e t a i l , l i g h t i n g d e s i g n i s a p o w e r f u l t o o l t h a t s h a p e s c u s t o m e r p e r c e p t i o n a n d i n f l u e n c e s b u y i n g d e c i s i o n s . D i s c o v e r h o w s t r a t e g i c l i g h t i n g t r a n s f o r m s o r d i n a r y s t o r e v i s i t s i n t o m e m o r a b l e a n d g r a t i f y i n g e x p e r i e n c e s .

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