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MaltaToday 3 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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6 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 3 JULY 2024 NEWS JAMES DEBONO Proposed boutique hotel near Gharb parish church raises concerns A new boutique hotel is being proposed just 46m from the Gharb parish church in an appli- cation that foresees the addition of a receded floor on the existing two-storey townhouse. The proposal includes an ex- tension at the rear of the build- ing into the countryside facing the Ta' Pinu Sanctuary. The Superintendence for Cultural Heritage has already warned that this additional storey risks creating an exten- sive blank party wall within the locality's urban conservation area, which is characterised by one-storey buildings. In its review of the applica- tion, the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage welcomed the retention of the facade and the front rooms of the existing building but expressed concern about the height extension, which it wants downscaled and possibly replaced by "a wash- room-like structure." The SCH is not objecting to the proposed demolition of the rear of the property, which overlooks the countryside and the Ta' Pinu Sanctuary. However, the SCH has expressed its concern about the "considerable intensifica- tion" of development outside the development zone. "Such an extension would set an undesired precedent for similar future applications, and therefore this office urges a lessening of the overall propos- al," the SCH said. The Environment and Re- sources Authority is also ob- jecting to the proposed ex- tension into the ODZ for the development of a pool area. The development is being proposed by Jessica Mizzi, who owns the site. Hotel development foresees ODZ pool and additional setback f loor creating blank party wall in Urban Conservation Area. The proposed front elevation of the hotel (top) and (middle and above) the site close to the Gharb church Malta pioneers quantum technology with launch of secure test network between two MITA data centres MALTA has taken a significant step forward in the realm of quantum technology with the successful launch of a quan- tum-secure test network con- necting two MITA data centres. This landmark event took place in the presence of Joyce Dimech, Permanent Secre- tary at the Ministry for Home Affairs, Security and Employ- ment, and delegates from the CEN-CENELEC Joint Tech- nical Committee 22 (JTC22), alongside representatives from the Armed Forces of Malta and the Malta Security Services, among others. Held at Malta Information Technology Agency's (MITA) Data Centre in Santa Venera, the event showcased the launch of a two-link quantum test net- work using trusted nodes and demonstrated the practical ap- plication of quantum-secured communications between two government data centres. The link forms an integral part of the PRISM EuroQCI test- bed network, and marks a piv- otal moment in the integration of quantum technology within Malta's digital infrastructure. CEN-CENELEC are playing a pivotal role in developing standards for quantum commu- nications, quantum metrology, and quantum computing. The delegates are currently in Mal- ta for the 6th CEN-CENELEC/ JTC 22 Plenary Meeting on Quantum Technologies and are representing their respective nations. Underscoring Malta's ac- tive participation in creating the standardisation roadmap for quantum technologies, the launch served to position Malta as a key player in this ground- breaking field and demonstrat- ed the nation's commitment to enhancing data security and pioneering advancements in quantum technology. By successfully deploying the first two quantum links that are the start to a larger national scale quantum-secure network, Malta is setting a precedent for the adoption of advanced tech- nologies within the European Union, reinforcing its leader- ship in the digital and cyberse- curity landscape.

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