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MaltaToday 3 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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4 NEWS 4 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 3 JULY 2024 JAMES DEBONO JAMES DEBONO THE Environment and Plan- ning Review Tribunal (EPRT) has revoked a permit for the construction of an 11-storey hotel by developer Michael Stivala in Sliema. The proposed hotel is to re- place an old, derelict farm- house standing between lower and upper Parisio street at the intersection with Triq Moroni, opposite the Villa Bonici Gar- dens. The hotel is being proposed in a part of Sliema zoned as a 'residential area' in the local plan, where hotels are not al- lowed. But the development was still approved because of a policy on 'consolidation and regeneration initiatives' – that gives the PA flexibility in as- sessing tourism development if it is compatible with the sur- rounding neighbourhood. But in its decision the Tribu- nal made it clear that hostels not hotels can be approved in this residential part of Sliema. The EPRT noted the willing- ness of the developer to con- vert the proposed hotel into a hostel and for this reason it concluded that the PA should reassesses the application based on new plans for a hos- tel. Moreover, the Tribunal also upheld the argument made by objectors that the PA was ap- plying the wrong height lim- itation. While the PA insist- ed that the proposed 24.2m height fell in line with the height limitation in the local plan of four floors and a semi basement, the area falls in a zone where no semi basements are allowed. According to the tribunal this would translate to a height of 20.8 meters. The successful appeal was presented by Moviment Graf- fitti, Arnold Cassola and sever- al residents. The ownership of the hotel in question was subject to unre- lated court proceedings. In September, Stivala saw his bid for a 75sq.m portion of land in question fail when it was auctioned for €9 million and bought by Carmel Butti- gieg. Buttigieg forced the auction by refusing to sell his original share in the land to Stivala. Stivala had secured a deal with 71 out of 72 shareholders but was unable to strike a deal with Buttigieg. The issue went to court, which ordered that the land be auctioned off. Back then Stivala made it clear that despite this setback he had not abandoned his plans for the area hinting that he in- tended submitting new plans. THE Superintendence for Cul- tural Heritage is objecting to the development of a 27-room guesthouse next to the Labour Party club in Marsaxlokk. As proposed the new guest house will replace a dilapidat- ed, characteristic townhouse on Xatt is-Sajjieda with a five-storey guesthouse which will rise higher than most of the neighbouring properties. As proposed the develop- ment will consist of a ground floor set to include a restau- rant, three full floors, a reced- ed fourth floor and a rooftop level set to include a pool and decking area and two ensuite rooms. The new hotel is being pro- posed by Joseph Bondin who is also the architect of the pro- ject. In its first reaction to the plans the SCH described the existing building as one of an "evident vernacular and his- torical character" which is lo- cated on the waterfront and Urban Conservation Area of Marsaxlokk. The building is characterised by traditional architectural style and traditional materials and techniques. The Superintendence also ex- pressed concern on the inten- sity of the proposed develop- ment especially because of the considerable depth of the site and the proposed height with- in the locality's Urban Conser- vation Area. While stating that it is not fa- vourable to this application the SCH is in communication with the architect of the project and is now awaiting an "appropri- ate amended proposal". Din l-Art Ħelwa is also ob- jecting to the application and has expressed concern about the impact of the proposed building on this urban land- scape. "There is absolutely no justi- fication for proposed increase in height of the property as the site lies within a UCA". More- over, the organisation warned that the development will re- sult in the creation of blank party walls. Appeals Tribunal revokes Stivala's Sliema hotel permit Superintendence objects to five-storey high Marsaxlokk guest house

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