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MaltaToday 3 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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HEALTH minister Chris Fearne said he would be ask- ing the police commissioner to investigate who financed and committed a frame-up against him, after media rev- elations that Steward Healthcare hired a private intelli- gence firm to accuse him of accepting a bribe. In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Fearne said the media reports amount to "irrefutable proof" that he always stood his ministerial ground in the national interest. PAGE 5 WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 3 JULY 2024 • ISSUE 901 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY EDITORIAL • PAGE 11 MATTHEW AGIUS NICOLE MEILAK Chris Fearne takes Steward frame-up allegations to the police Chris Fearne Vitals corruption case continues as Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and 13 others face fraud-related charges AUDITOR General Charles Deguara has testified that his office's investiga- tion into the hospitals concession to Vi- tals Global Healthcare had established that the tender was issued five months after it had already been awarded to VGH. Deguara told the court on Tues- day that "the fact that there was a mem- orandum of understanding before the requests for proposals had even been issued was not acceptable." Magistrate Leonard Caruana heard key testimonies as the compilation of evidence against the former Deputy Prime Minister, Chris Fearne, the for- mer Finance Minister and incumbent Central Bank Governor, Edward Sci- cluna, and 13 others in relation to the fraudulent hospitals concession con- tinued on Tuesday. PAGE 3 VITALS CORRUPTION CASE VGH hospitals bid accepted five months before tender began - Auditor General

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