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GOZOTODAY 5 July 2024

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SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL FRIDAY 5 JULY 2024 • ISSUE 001 • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY gozotoday €1.00 DATA published by the National Statis- tics Office shows that at the end of 2023, the number of Gozitans working full-time rose to nearly 16,500. This marked an increase of 835 over the previous twelve months. If one compares the situation with March 2013, the change is much more marked. In fact, full-time employment rose by over 7,200 during that period meaning that employment rose by nearly 80%. In 2013 nearly a third of Gozitans worked in public administration, health or education. Now the proportion has fallen below a quarter. Public administration, health and educa- tion remain the sectors which employ the most Gozitans, but they are now closely followed by catering and retail. Full-time employment in these sectors is now nearly 3,500, up from less than 2,000 in March 2013. Though these sectors – which are de- pendent on foreign and domestic tourism – have increased in importance in absolute terms, in relative terms they are basically at the same position as in March 2013. In fact, they constitute 21% of overall full-time employment in Gozo. The most impressive growth was regis- tered in the professional and administra- tive services sectors. PAGE 3 Gozitan employment doubles in 10 years Full-time employment in Gozo rose by over 7,200 between 2013 and 2023 Discover the best beaches in Gozo, some of which are recognised as an iconic Blue Flag beach, upholding a variety of standards related to the environment, safety, education and accessibility Gozo beaches lure tourists and Maltese alike in the sizzling Summer heat PAGE 12

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