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GOZOTODAY 5 July 2024

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4 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 5 JULY 2024 NEWS LGBTI+ Gozo have launched a sexual health and gender af- firmation campaign with the support of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ's A4U Scheme. The aim of the campaign is to bring awareness to the nuances of sexual health and provide free material and products to the community. This initiative also seeks to support trans, intersex, and nonbinary people to have ac- cess to gender affirming prod- ucts. LGBTI+ Gozo is offering free products to their mem- bers, including chest binders, packers, menstrual cups, and condoms and lubricant provid- ed by Sexual Health Malta, in order to make these materials more accessible to the people who need them. Gender affirming products like chest binders, packers, and tucking pants assist trans, non- binary and intersex people in feeling more at home in their own bodies and mitigating se- rious mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia and gender dys- phoria. By offering these products to the public, LGBTI+ Gozo hopes to support transitioning persons and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with items that affirm gender iden- tity which may be inaccessi- ble or too expensive to benefit from. LGBTI+ Gozo also aims to use this campaign to draw awareness to high numbers of STIs reported in Malta and en- courage the wider community to get tested through the dif- ferent services offered in Mal- ta and Gozo, such as the GU clinic and testing provided by Checkpoint Malta. With the support of the A4U fund, LGBTI+ Gozo is distrib- uting condoms, lubricant, and sexual health pamphlets pro- vided by Sexual Health Malta to inform and educate the com- munity about consent, PEP and PrEP, and common STIs and symptoms. In order to have a safer, more protected commu- nity, it is imperative that we talk about sex and give people the tools and information they need to engage in safe sex. Together with open dialogue and an ethos to remove stigma and shame from the conversa- tion, this campaign hopes to increase awareness, build ed- ucation and knowledge, and supply the community with the resources it needs to thrive. These materials are available at LGBTI+ Gozo's premises, the Qawsalla Hub, in Victo- ria Gozo. Gender affirmation products are available for trans, intersex, and non binary members to ensure that those who need these products the most receive them while sexual health material and informa- tion is free for all people. LGBTI+ Gozo offers free and confidential counselling servic- es for its members, their fami- lies and professionals working with LGBTQIA+ individuals with availability at the Qawsa- lla Hub or online. Launch of sexual health and gender affirmation campaign THE Work Trial Scheme For Youths has been launched for 2024 with the aim of giving young people the opportu- nity to experience the world of work with private entities or voluntary organisations. The scheme which runs through August, is also aimed at helping young people between the ages of 16 and 20 in choosing their career and gain experience for the fu- ture. Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri, speaking at the launch said, "the scheme, which was in- troduced six years ago, has always continued to be im- proved as the Ministry listened to both the young peo- ple who participated and to those entities that recruited them." He explained that through this scheme, students will have an income of €110 per week, with a total of €550 over five weeks. The scheme will run for five weeks between Monday, the 5th of August and Friday, the 6th of September. Applications close today at noon. Gozo work trial scheme for youths during August Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri launching the scheme Tiny little Gozo is home to the oldest freestanding structures in the world. Ggantija Temples, the 5,500-year-old complex, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Interestingly, the site's name - Ggantija - refers to the 'fact' that it was built by, um, giants. At least, that's what local lore claims. If that were true, Gozo was one of the first inhabited places on earth AND home to giants. Did you know?

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