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MALTATODAY 7 July 2024

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6 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 7 JULY 2024 NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "The malicious whispering campaign orchestrated by certain individuals across the political spectrum, aided by some media characters, trying to wrongly associate me with a smear campaign against Chris Fearne, is not only false but deeply offensive," the former prime minister said in replies to MaltaToday. However, Muscat did not delve into the nature of his re- lationship with Lynton Cros- by, the individual who ran the intelligence company con- tracted by Steward that fabri- cated the Fearne bribery story. MaltaToday is informed that as prime minister, Muscat and his government used the ser- vices of Lynton Crosby, CEO of CT Group, the firm con- tracted by Steward. Crosby was present on several occa- sions at the Office of the Prime Minister in 2019, according to sources close to government at the time. Crosby had also been invited to address the Commonwealth Business Forum in 2015 as part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meet- ing (CHOGM) hosted in Mal- ta. The business forum was co- ordinated by Adrian Hillman, the former Allied Newspapers CEO who is facing corruption charges in relation to the hos- pitals deal. "Engagements by the Maltese government are transparent and open to public scrutiny," Muscat replied without giving detail. 'A devious agenda against me' He also denied introduc- ing Crosby to Steward Health Care. "The unfounded assertion that a company associated with the British and Australi- an governments, amongst oth- ers, needed me to introduce it to anyone is ridiculous and something I flatly deny," Mus- cat said. The former prime minis- ter insisted that the narrative trying to associate him with the smear campaign against Fearne is "driven by those with a devious agenda against me, one which I believe will be exposed as more information comes to light". He went on to "empathise" with Fearne and his politi- cal aide Carmen Ciantar over their ordeal. "Having personally been the subject of baseless accusa- tions, such as the fabricated Egrant story and other claims that I am legally unable to ad- dress due to a gagging order, I can empathise with the or- deal faced by Chris Fearne, Carmen Ciantar, and their families," Muscat said, ex- pressing hope that justice will be served for any wrongdoing committed. Muscat mum on relationship with owner of company

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