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GOZOTODAY 12 July 2024

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12 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 12 JULY 2024 NEWS Largely unspoilt, Gozo retains an authentic Mediterranean flavour: old men arguing about politics in the village square; old women working handmade lace in the front garden; shepherds grazing their sheep and hot summer nights where the only sound you'll hear is the cricket. There is no airport on Gozo and its only connection to the rest of the world is via ferry to Malta (thus far). Welcome to the place where time - for the most part - stands still. Mediterranean culture Holy Gozo Not only is Gozo home to Ggantija, the oldest surviving temple known to mankind, it also has no less than 46 Catholic churches - technically one per 1.5km² - and some are also massive. The Xewkija dome is, arguably, the third largest in Europe (battling it out with the Mosta dome in Malta) and the church can fit the entire village of 3,000 people inside it. Places like Ta' Pinu are further connected to miracles associated with the apparition of the Virgin. Gozo fun facts 14 mayors and 14 deputy mayors were sworn into their role after gar- nering the highest votes and second highest votes respectively from the majority group within the locality. The ceremony held in the Cittadel- la Ditch started off with the playing of the Gozo Anthem, written by the Gozitan poet Ġorġ Pisani and com- posed by Maestro Joseph Vella, and performed in this occasion by Miche- la Pace and the Island Brass Quintet. Dr Samuel Azzopardi, President of the Region highlighted the impor- tance of reflecting while serving the citizens. He said that the ceremony is also a moment of reflection and commit- ment, where the local leaders are of- ficially entering into their role, a role that in the end was given to them through the trust of the people, for them to start a journey of beneficial work towards the protection and im- provement of the Local Councils of Gozo. He thanked everyone who offered themselves to be at the service of the people, both those who were elected, those who were not elected and also those who retired from the local po- litical scene. He assured them, that the Gozo Re- gional Council, will continue to give its continuous assistance and support to all Local Councils for a brighter fu- ture for our Gozo. Present for the ceremony were the President of Gozo Region Samuel Azzopardi, the Minister for Gozo and Planning, Clint Camilleri, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisher- ies, Food and Animal Rights, An- ton Refalo, the Gozitan Members of Parliament, the Commission- er of Justice, the Vicar General in the Diocese of Gozo, the Mayors, Vice-Mayors and Councillors and the Executive Secretaries. This is the full list of the mayors elected and their party affiliation: Citta` Victoria Local Council - Bri- an Azzopardi (PN) Il-Fontana Local Council - Thomas Mizzi (PN) Għajnsielem Local Council - Kevin Cauchi (PN) L-Għarb Local Council - David Apap Agius (Għarb l-Ewwel) L-Għasri Local Council - Dr. Daniel Attard (PL) Ta' Kerċem Local Council - Mario Azzopardi (PN) Il-Munxar Local Council - Damien Spiteri (PN) In-Nadur Local Council - Edward Said (PN) Il-Qala Local Council - Paul Butti- gieg (PL) San Lawrenz Local Council - Noel Formosa (PN) Ta' Sannat Local Council - Philip Vella (PL) Ix-Xagħra Local Council - Victor John Curmi (PL) Ix-Xewkija Local Council - Simona Refalo (PL) Iż-Żebbuġ Local Council - Baskal Saliba (PN) Gozitan mayors and vice mayors sworn in in ceremony organised by Gozo Regional Council Dr Samuel Azzopardi, President of the Gozo Region

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