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MALTATODAY 14 July 2024

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16 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 JULY 2024 KURT SANSONE The Authority for Transport in Malta (Authority) notifies that the Pilotage Board (Board) established in terms of the Maritime Pilotage Regulations (SL 499.26) (Regulations), will be conducting a competitive examination for the issue of a Licence to serve as a Trainee Maritime Pilot on probation to be held by the Authority for Transport in Malta, in terms of the Maritime Pilotage Regulations (S.L.499.26) under the Authority for Transport in Malta Act (Cap. 499). Applications for nomination to sit for the competitive examination will be received by the Secretary to the Chief Applications for nomination to sit for the competitive examination will be received by the Secretary to the Chief Officer, Maritime Affairs, Transport Malta, Malta Transport Centre, Triq Pantar, Hal Lija LJA 2021. The closing date for applications is 15 July 2024. Further details may be viewed in the issue of the Government Gazette of 21,277 and on the website NO petrol station will relocate to the Council of Europe Garden in Gzira as government drafts a new local council devolution contract, MaltaToday has learnt. Sources close to government said the new contract pass- ing all the garden to the Gzira council will also cover the part that had been earmarked for the relocation of a petrol sta- tion. "The existing contract has expired but government has decided to renew the council's authority on all the garden, in- cluding that part which was the subject of great controversy," the sources said. This effectively puts a lid on the petrol station controversy. As part of a decades-long ob- ligation to relocate the petrol station on Gzira's waterfront, the government had identified a part of the garden as a suit- able alternative. However, the Gzira council had objected and even won a court case against the Lands Authority blocking the relocation. However, with the devolution contract expired many feared that the government would hive off the part earmarked for the petrol station, making it easier to allocate the land for that purpose. But the sources said the deci- sion to grant all the garden to the council in the new contract was a response to the people's outcry. "In this way, the people of Gzira will have peace of mind that no petrol station will be relocated to the garden," the sources said. No alternative site has yet been identified for the petrol station's relocation, the sourc- es added. Former Gzira mayor Conrad Borg Manche had fallen out with the Labour Party over the controversy, having gone head to head with party presi- dent Ramona Attard, who as a lawyer represented the Lands Authority in the legal proceed- ings. Manche contested the Euro- pean and local council elec- tions as an independent, gar- nering a substantial following. In Gzira he was elected with second highest number of votes in what was a clear pro- test vote. "Even though the Labour Party still obtained an abso- lute majority of seats on the council, this does not mean this controversy should not be given immediate attention and this is why the new devolution contract will leave the garden's footprint intact and include the area that was earmarked for the petrol station," the sources said. Government moves to bury Gzira garden petrol station controversy once and for all Gzira mayor Conrad Borg Manche (above) spearheaded the fight against the fuel station relocation

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