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MALTATODAY 14 July 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 JULY 2024 4 INTERVIEW Stanley Zammit: 'Government was obliged to revise local plans in 2016, but failed to do so' OPPOSITION MP Stanley Zammit has ac- cused the Labour government of failing in its obligation to revise the country's local plans in 2016. He tells me government's argument that local plans cannot be changed is "wrong", insisting it was obliged to revise them, 10 years on from when they were changed by a Nationalist administration. I interview Zammit in the same week parliament has started to discuss legal amendments to Malta's workplace health and safety law, a change which stems from the public inquiry into the Jean Paul Sofia's construction site death. He believes government has rushed to pass the amendments through parliament, having done "nothing" in the months preceding the Bill's tabling in the House. Zammit says the changes are sorely need- ed, outlining the need for a "culture shock" in the sector, but feels there is still some obscurity when it comes to fines and reg- ulation. Questioned on the 2006 Nationalist ad- ministration's rationalisation exercise, he is reluctant to concede it was a mistake, but does agree it could have roped in more ex- perts in its execution. The same goes for the 2006 local plans, with Zammit defending the exercise, stat- ing the Labour government was obliged to revise them 10 years later. He says the gov- ernment is intentionally "stagnating" the planning system to gain political traction. On the PN's road to the general election, he says it must continue to build up on the positives it has achieved. Zammit says the party has to enter into dialogue with people to understand the changing needs of soci- ety. MaltaToday online editor Karl Azzopardi sits down with Opposition MP Stanley Zammit to discuss the new workplace safety law amendments, the 2006 local plans and the PN's road to the general election The government is intentionally stagnating the planning process, because it only prioritises votes

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