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MaltaToday 17 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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3 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 17 JULY 2024 NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "Never against Malta. However, I also cannot vote in favour of some- one who put personal advancement before the national interest. There- fore, consistent with what I said dur- ing the campaign and with convic- tion in my principles, this morning I chose to abstain," Daniel Attard, who was elected for the first time this year said. Agius Saliba said he cannot vote for Metsola "due to several principles" that are too important for him, and which she acted against over the past two and half years. "Consistent with what I always said during the electoral campaign, this morning I chose not to participate in the voting for the election of the new President of the European Par- liament," Agius Saliba said. MaltaToday tried reaching out to Labour MEP Thomas Bajada, who re- fused to detail how he voted, saying he would be giving out more details in a press conference on Wednesday. Agius Saliba and Attard have both defied Prime Minister Robert Abela, who when asked specifically about the EP President election last month, pledged to back her bid for a second term. Abela said that he "always supports Maltese people who go abroad to occupy a role", adding that he will "once again let the national interest guide direct (his) decision". "I would be inconsistent – and I would be adopting the Opposition leader's position – if I took a partisan stance and sidelined the national in- terest," he had said. On the other hand, Minister Miri- am Dalli, a former MEP, congratulat- ed Metsola on her election. "We worked together, we didn't al- ways agree, but I enjoy seeing a Mal- tese woman in the role," Dalli said. Malta's Foreign Minister Ian Borg also congratulated Metsola in a mes- sage on X, describing this a historic year for Malta with its chairperson- ship of the OSCE, the seat on the UN Security Council and now "a Maltese MEP leading the European Parlia- ment". Attard, Agius Saliba defy Robert Abela and abstain during EP President vote MEPs Daniel Attard (left) and Alex Agius Saliba (right) both abstained from voting, despite Prime Minister Robert Abela saying he would be backing Roberta Metsola in the EP Presidential election This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author's view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 In a speech just after being con- firmed, Metsola told MEPs the parlia- ment "will remain the house of every European" as she detailed several is- sues of concern across Europe. Starting off her speech in Maltese, Metsola delivered the bulk of her ad- dress in English but also spoke French and Italian. "We need to move beyond zero-sum thinking that foments hate," she said, highlighting the need to combat an- ti-semitism and Islamophobia, while ensuring a Europe of equality for dis- abled people and minorities. She also referenced women's rights and spoke of creating a Europe of which Konrad Adenauer, Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino, Eddie Fenech Adami, Lech Walesa and other committed Eu- ropeans "would be proud of". She was greeted with resounding ap- plause, however Labour MEPs Alex Agius Saliba and Daniel Attard - who abstained in defiance of Labour lead- er Robert Abela's stand in support of Metsola as a Maltese national - re- frained from clapping. Malta's Foreign Minister Ian Borg congratulated Metsola in a message on X, describing this a historic year for Malta with its chairpersonship of the OSCE, the seat on the UN Security Council and now "a Maltese MEP lead- ing the European Parliament". Opposition leader Bernard Grech al- so congratulated Metsola and said she will put the common good before any- thing else. The vote will be followed by the elec- tion of the 14 vice-presidents, propor- tionally distributed among the main parties. This will assess the effective- ness of the cordon sanitaire: Patriots for Europe is vying to secure one of the vice-presidents, something that the EPP, the Socialists and the Liberals have vowed to prevent. "These are elected posts of the Par- liament," an EPP spokesperson said on Friday. "We don't want these MEPs to represent the institution, that's the main reason." Speaker of the House of Representa- tives Anglu Farrugia welcomed the re- sult, saying it was a prestigious role for the Maltese MEP. Metsola was elected European Parlia- ment president in January 2022 getting an absolute majority of votes on the first round. 'We need to move beyond zero-sum thinking that foments hate' - Metsola

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