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GOZOTODAY 19 July 2024

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6 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 19 JULY 2024 Q & A What, in your opinion, is Gozo's biggest selling point when it comes to attracting tourism to the island? It is the fact that Gozo is dif- ferent from Malta and also from neighbouring island destinations that is the most important unique selling proposition of the Island. Even the Malta Tourism Strategy (2021-2030) acknowledges this differentiation and directs its pol- icy to "consciously sustaining the development of Gozo as a sepa- rate and distinct Mediterranean island destination".This distinc- tiveness emanates from the nat- ural characteristics of Gozo, the gently undulating hills dominated by imposing church domes and belfries, and the island's coastline with varied gulfs, bays and shal- low secluded inlets. Furthermore I believe that Gozo is still offering an authentic experience to the visitors. The Island's authentic- ity is one of the main attractions that we still have on offer and therefore it needs to be protect- ed and enriched. The aforemen- tioned MTA Strategy states that "the formal recognition of Gozo's component characteristics, their preservation and the rejection of elements which go contrary to them are considered to be para- mount" for Gozo's mission as a distinct destination. Gozo offers a wide spectrum of heritage, cultural and tourist sites. But what does Gozo offer that Malta lacks? As stated earlier, up to now Gozo, as a touristic destination, is still offering an authentic holiday experience. This authenticity is embedded and firmly anchored on the island's quaintness, natural characteristics and its rural envi- ronment. Gozo is small and small is beautiful. These attributes are demonstrated clearly by foreign tourists on holiday in Gozo when they confirm year on year through MTA surveys that Gozo is peace- ful, beautiful, relaxing, warm, wel- coming and hospitable. Around 50% of the foreign tourists over- nighting in Gozo are on what we call a twin centred stay. These for example spend 4 days in Mal- ta and the last three days of their holiday in Gozo. When asked, the majority of these tourists, without fail, admit that they would have preferred to have spent their full holiday in Gozo rather than on the mainland. This clearly sums up what Gozo has to offer that is different from Malta. How important is heritage and culture tourism in Gozo from an economic perspective? We promote and market Gozo with its various niches. In this regard heritage and culture are two of the leading niches which are contributing towards tourism thus enhancing the economic wellbeing of our Island. Various surveys carried out amongst for- eign visitors to Gozo constantly indicate that over 50% were mo- tivated to holiday in Gozo due to the Island's heritage and culture. This amply shows how impor- tant these two segments are for the Gozitan tourism. Notwith- standing its being a small Island, Gozo is endowed with heritage sites including some outstand- ing ones like Ġgantija, the oldest free-standing temple in the world, as well at the iconic Ċittadella. These two sites are amongst the most visited sites on Gozo. Oth- er sites that evidently demon- strate our Island's heritage are the Gozitan churches dotted across the island, and other unique are- as such as the saltpans that are a must in the visitor's itinerary. All the aforementioned showcase how old and varied is Gozo's her- itage. On the other hand, Gozo abounds in its culture. These past years Gozo has managed to create a jam-packed calendar of culture events spread throughout the year. These events are very important tools to attract culture tourism, and as a result, Gozo has become the place to be when celebrating Christmas, Holy Week and Car- nival. It is sometimes inconceiva- ble to understand how on a small island like Gozo one can enjoy lyric operas staged with such en- thusiasm and professionalism by the two Victoria theatres, Astra and Aurora. All these events, es- tablished on an annual basis, are now being included and packaged in the touristic offer of Gozo. The touristic sector is thankful for the Ministry for Gozo which through its various departments sustains the cultural calendar as well as to the hundreds of Gozitan NGO's and individuals who contribute 'Overdevelopment on Gozo is jeopardising GozoToday speaks to JOE MUSCAT, Chief Executive Officer of the Gozo Tourism Association, about the importance of heritage and culture tourism in Gozo, Maltese visitors and the association's stand on an airlink to Malta and the underwater tunnel

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