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GOZOTODAY 19 July 2024

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8 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 19 JULY 2024 CULTURE 'Beyond What Drifts Us Apart' launches programme of events at Gozo's Dwejra Tower BEYOND What Drifts Us Apart, a project coming to life at the Dwejra Tower in Gozo, has launched a varied and thoughtful programme of events and activities, including workshops, performances and interventions to take place be- tween the 20th and 28th July. The multi-year project at- tempts to uncover the less dominant narratives associ- ated with the environments surrounding historic coastal towers around Malta, and the consequent relationships be- tween the impacted landscapes and the non-human communi- ties situated around them. This year, the project is cen- tred within and around the Dwejra Tower in Gozo, and six Maltese and internation- al artists have been invited to develop works in response to the tower and the site around it. The artists – all of whom have been working at the his- toric Dwejra Tower in Gozo during the four-week residen- cy between June and July – will contribute to the programme of events. Isaac Warrington will lead a guided fossil trail, inviting participants to take documen- tative photos of fossils and rock formations to recreate what they discover in clay. Justyna Olszewska will give an astronomical observation workshop, with a practical tu- torial on how to prepare for your first astronomical obser- vations in dark sky locations such as Dwejra. Jamie Barbara will lead a sound walk, where participants can listen and ob- serve bats communicating in a nearby site. Meanwhile, Martinha Maia will collaborate with Alda Bugeja of Gozo weaving, to give a combined workshop fo- cused on working with natural materials. Florinda Camilleri has collab- orated with the Ta' Ċangura Folk Group of San Lawrenz for the project; together they will perform in recognition of the Posidonia Oceanica Seagrass that grows off Malta's shores. And lastly, Keit Bonnici will perform in a tribute to the monk seal (known as bumerin in Maltese) in Dwejra Bay. All of the activities have been brought together by curator and project leader Elyse Ton- na, to inspire thought, aware- ness and action towards a more sustainable future, and to foster a deeper understanding of our environment, in times of a changing climate. All six artists will also be showing their work as part of the exhibition at Dwejra Tow- er, which will be opening on the 20th of July until the 28th. The Dwejra Tower, a symbol of natural beauty and histor- ical significance, provides an ideal backdrop for this artistic exploration. Beyond What Drifts Us Apart is a collaboration between the Istanbul-based Mahalla Festival and the Maltese cre- ative space, Unfinished Art Space, forming part of the MagiC Carpets Platform. It is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme and Arts Council Malta. This edition of the project was also supported by Din l-Art Ħelwa, San Law- renz Local Council, and Banda Santa Marija, Żebbuġ. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required for some activities. For more in- formation, visit www.unfin- i s h e d a r t s p a c e . o r g / p r o j e c t s / magiccarpets Ghalik, Posidonia!, a performance by Florinda Camilleri with the Ta' Cangura Folk Group of San Lawrenz (Photo: Daniel Carabott) Dwejra Tower seen from the sea below A long exposure image of a meteor, taken by artist Justyna Olszewska during her research at Dwejra Tower

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