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MALTATODAY 21 July 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 21 JULY 2024 THIS IS A PAID COLLABORATION Transport Malta launches annual safety at sea campaign: 'Meta Tkun Traskurat Taf Tkisser Ħajja' The allure of the sea draws count- less people to its shores during the summer season, making maritime safety a critical concern. In response, Transport Malta initiated its annual safety at sea campaign, aptly named 'Meta Tkun Traskurat Taf Tkisser Ħajja,' meaning 'Being Reckless Wrecks Lives.' This campaign calls on all sea users—boaters, swimmers, and divers—to adopt practices that ensure a safe and enjoyable maritime environment for everyone. The increase in sea activity during the summer months often leads to a rise in incidents, ranging from minor accidents to severe emergencies. Safety at sea is vital not only for hu- man life but also for the preservation of marine ecosystems. The campaign aims to educate and encourage individuals to implement safety measures, preventing accidents and protecting our precious marine environment. Interactions between various sea users can sometimes lead to conflicts and accidents. Hence, cultivating a culture of respect and awareness among boaters, divers, and swim- mers is essential. Boaters are urged to be vigilant about their speed and to maintain a safe distance from swimming zones. Following naviga- tional rules, keeping music volumes at considerate levels, wearing life jackets, and equipping vessels with necessary safety and navigational aids are crucial steps for ensuring safety. Divers contribute to safety by using alpha flags to signal their presence underwater, alerting boaters to avoid close encounters. Swimmers, on the other hand, should stay within des- ignated swimming zones, which are marked to protect them from boat traffic. Being aware of their surround- ings and avoiding areas frequented by boats and jet skis can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. By participating in the 'Meta Tkun Traskurat Taf Tkisser Ħajja' campaign, all sea users contribute to a safer and more harmonious maritime environ- ment. This initiative educates the public on the importance of safety measures and responsible behav- ior, fostering a sense of collective responsibility. When everyone participates in maintaining safety, the overall maritime environment becomes more secure and enjoyable. Environmental protection is another key aspect of the campaign, empha- sizing the importance of the safe disposal of waste and proper clean- ing of vessels. Adhering to these guidelines helps preserve marine ecosystems, ensuring that the seas remain clean and vibrant for future generations. Safety campaigns like 'Meta Tkun Traskurat Taf Tkisser Ħajja' are cru- cial, especially during peak seasons when sea activity surges. These ini- tiatives promote safety practices, re- duce the risk of accidents, and instill a sense of responsibility among sea users. Encouraging respectful and cooperative behavior is essential for creating a safe and enjoyable mari- time environment. Moreover, when people feel safe, they are more like- ly to have a positive and enjoyable experience, which is beneficial for tourism and the local economy. Transport Malta's 'Meta Tkun Traskurat Taf Tkisser Ħajja' cam- paign underscores the importance of safety and responsibility at sea. By encouraging respectful interac- tions between boaters, divers, and swimmers and emphasising key safety practices, the campaign aims to create a secure and enjoyable maritime environment. Adher- ence to these guidelines ensures that everyone can safely enjoy the beautiful Maltese waters. Ultimate- ly, such campaigns are essential in preserving the safety, beauty, and harmony of our seas, making them a true haven for all.

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