maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 JULY 2024
seas came earlier this year
the long-term impacts of
climate change on the
Mediterranean region.
He pointed out that if
current carbon emis-
sion levels persist, pro-
jections indicate a tem-
perature rise of 4°C and a
sea level increase of about
10m over the next century.
"It is much more significant
than it appears, especially con-
sidering the number of coastal
communities we have. Addi-
tionally, there is a risk that pre-
cipitation could decrease by as
much as half, resulting in signif-
icantly less rainfall," he noted.
The Oceanography Research
Group at the University of Mal-
ta is closely monitoring the
situation, collecting real-time
data and analysing it with the
help of numerical models. They
provide essential marine data
services for research and clima-
tological analysis.
Temperatures recorded between 11 and 24 July, showing the marine heatwave that hit the sea around Malta during the
second week of the month
Marine researcher Adam Gauci