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MALTATODAY 28 July 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 JULY 2024 4 ALMANAC My essentials GWEN JANE AGIUS 22, Production/Stage Manager & Actor I am currently a full-time production manager working in the field of video advertising, and I have also been freelancing as an actor and stage manager for several years, for numerous local theatre productions & festivals. In the last few years, I have been dipping into the world of directing, and it's something I definitely feel the most me when I'm doing. 1. Books 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place I go through periods of fixa- tion with certain artists and right now I'm definitely in my Chappell Roan phase and have been listening to her album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess pretty much on loop, it's just the fun, slightly un- hinged pop I'm into right now. That being said, some artists I always end up going back to are Phoebe Bridgers, Weyes Blood, Japanese Breakfast and Mitski (you can probably see the theme forming here). I'm definitely a sad indie/pop girl at heart, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know I'm a bit biased be- cause I live there but I think Rabat is genuinely one of the prettiest old towns in Malta. I can see why it gets a lot of tourists, the nar- row roads and the cobbled streets. Sometimes when I'm walking home, I could definitely picture myself in a remote Sicilian village or something. It also doesn't hurt to be a stone's throw away from Serkin. And when it comes to beaches it's close to my favourite place which is Għar Lapsi. I have lots of great memo- ries there that include ice creams and close friends. EARLIER this year I read Trust Exercise by Susan Choi which is a book that taught me to not always trust the blurb on the back (in the best way). Essentially this is a book about memory and how interpreta- tions of life-changing events shape that memory, especially when we're teenagers. And how when certain people's experiences are louder than others, it can mean the differ- ence between what is generally ac- cepted as fiction and fact. I recently rewatched the film EMMA (2020) with Anya Tay- lor-Joy. The amount of times I've watched it at this point is absurd, it's my absolute comfort film. It's just an amalgamation of things that tickle my brain. Visually gor- geous, packed cast, surprisingly hilarious and don't get me started on the costumes. A masterclass in subtle physical storytelling in every aspect, I could watch it on mute and still be giggling and kicking my feet. I'M on YouTube a lot and right now it's pret- ty much full of Animal Crossing themed videos because I just received the game for my birthday and if I'm being honest, it's pretty much taken over my life. It's just a cozy relaxing game you can go into any time for as long as you want, and just turn your brain off. When it comes to TV my boyfriend and I have just started Barry, starring Bill Hader which I went into totally blind, so good highly recommend. Compiled by Laura Calleja suggestions by email This page is supported by Arts Council Malta 4 5 1 2 3

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