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MALTATODAY 4 August 2024

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KURT SANSONE YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 4 AUGUST 2024 • ISSUE 1291 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY The rise and disruption of the food delivery and taxi industries PAGES 9 - 11 Clubs' budgets not enough to clinch European glory PAGE 15 The jungle Football Market realities maltatoday Foundat Foundation for ion for Affordable Housing CEO Affordable Housing CEO Jake Azzopardi on the Jake Azzopardi on the role of the family in the role of the family in the purchase of property purchase of property INTERVIEW MT2 JAMES DEBONO Dirty coal accounts for 23% of inter- connector's electricity PAGE 8 PAGES 2 - 3 JASON Micallef's announcement that he is contesting the election for deputy leader party affairs has left many in La- bour fearing a Joseph Muscat takeover by proxy. These fears were further com- pounded on Saturday when Labour propagandist Manuel Cuschieri ap- peared to pitch his tent behind Mi- callef by provocatively asking followers whether they preferred a deputy leader who is an MP or minister, or someone who is "solely dedicated" to the party. Micallef and Cuschieri are old hands in the PL and loyalists of the former disgraced prime minister who faces corruption charges linked to the Vitals hospitals scandal. Micallef's sudden announcement last Friday came a week after he appeared on F Living, where he spoke on the need for renewal in the PL. He told TV host Karl Bonaci the party needed new faces. A former secretary gċeneral when the party was led by Alfred Sant, Micallef is not exactly a new face but it is his loy- alty to Muscat that has many worried. Several MPs who were granted ano- nymity to speak freely about internal matters told MaltaToday, Micallef's bid was clearly an attempt by Muscat to create mayhem in a situation where the current leader is in a weak position. "With Jason Micallef as deputy leader the party is likely to lose the support of moderate voters, who are angry at Joseph Muscat and were irked by the support he received outside the law courts when he was charged in the Vi- tals case," an MP said. PAGE 4 Labour Party fears Muscat takeover by proxy Enemalta has no say on source of electricity it imports from Sicily Jason Micallef will be contesting for the post of deputy leader party affairs and although his bid has galvanised the grassroots not everyone is happy because they see him as a proxy for former leader Joseph Muscat Balancing Labour's power: how delegates kept leaders in check NEARLY 23% of energy imported through the interconnector that links Malta to the Italian energy grid was derived from coal-fired power stations in 2023, doubling from the previous year's 12% share of the make-up of imported elec- tricity. €1.95

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