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MALTATODAY 4 August 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 4 AUGUST 2024 4 ALMANAC My essentials PAUL PORTELLI 60, teacher, actor I'm a founder member of local theatre group, Theatre Anon but I also freelance with other companies in both theatre and film. I am very excited to be involved in the local cultural sector which is seeing something of a rebirth in recent years. Productions and audiences seem to be increasing. I particularly enjoy watching more and more young people getting involved. 1. Books 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place I listen to anything but one of my go-to favourites is Arvo Pärt. I came across a clip on YouTube of Björk interview- ing Arvo Pärt which I highly recommend. In this interview Björk describes how in his mu- sic he makes each and every note resonate and that he does not need a hundred billion notes to in his pieces. It's a les- son for life that it's not about doing a lot but more about do- ing the few things and spend- ing time with the few people who mean something to us. POSSIBLY Gozo or Sicily. I seem to have lost the trav- el bug some years back and though I still enjoy experi- encing new places I seem to get something out of Gozo and Sicily which is different and, in some ways, particu- larly special. HARUKI Murakami's After Dark. I love his work because he makes me laugh and because his work in- trigues me, and his words never fail to surprise me. His books are al- ways stylish and graceful and give me a view of life from a completely different, almost alien perspective. I also enjoyed my brother's book, The Order, immensely. A fresh take on an old familiar favourite. I have recently rewatched Ken- neth Branagh's Wallander. I love its rhythm, its pace and its wonderful portrayal of hu- manity. I am a Branagh fan, but I'm also particularly drawn to crime thrillers and Scandi- navian film and TV. The orig- inal Wallender series is Scan- dinavian. I watch loads of stuff about rewilding. It hurts that we seem to be living in a coun- try that has divorced itself from nature. On the other hand, I am completely fas- cinated by the digital age but equally saddened and apprehensive because we have no idea of where it's leading us to. I do not be- lieve I would feel very safe living amongst people who need an app that tells them how to boil an egg. Compiled by Laura Calleja suggestions by email This page is supported by Arts Council Malta 4 5 1 2 3

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