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GOZOTODAY 9 August 2024

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3 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 9 AUGUST 2024 NEWS GozoToday is a weekly newspaper focused primarily on Gozo. It hopes to serve as a source of information on business, culture, entertainment and of course current affairs. Gozo has a special charm about it but it is also a bustling Island with an identity of its own. We will strive to bring you the news over the next three months. At this stage we are planning to take advantage of the influx of local and foreign visitors to this marvellous Mediterranean Island. But we could be tempted to continue with this newspaper project beyond the Summer months. GozoToday will be published every Friday and is available to numerous outlets in Gozo and on the ferries that carry so many visitors to Gozo from Malta and beyond. GozoToday MediaToday Co. Ltd Vjal ir-Rihan San Gwann SGN 9016 EDITOR: PAUL COCKS Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 Website: E-mail: GozoToday is published by MediaToday in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo and Planning MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEX U LIPPJANAR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The plans also cater for a con- crete-surfaced apron, three grass-reinforced aprons and pe- rimeter retaining walls, shifting of security fence and new landscap- ing. In its report published on Thursday, ERA said that its Environment Impact Assess- ment (EIA) screening con- cludes that the impact of the development is unlikely to be significant enough to warrant an EIA. But it does list a number of preventive mitigation meas- ures, including minimising the need for excavations and reus- ing as much of the excavated material as possible; making sure the design of the bounda- ry walls does not impact on the rural landscape character and on visual amenity; and pro- viding adequate onsite park- ing for participants, charging facilities for electric cars and airplanes, park-and-ride ser- vices and provision of bicycle racks as well as other facilities that allow/promote alternative modes of transport to alleviate traffic. The runway dimensions would preclude the operation of medium and large-sized air- craft. General aviation aircraft operations shall be limited to daytime only (i.e. 30 minutes past sunrise until 30 minutes before sunset), whilst the in- ter-island air service aircraft will be limited to flights be- tween 6am and 1am. Less than 15 aircraft move- ments daily including the scheduled flights are being projected. Three areas for parking facilities for light aircraft will be surfaced with a rein- forced-grass paving system. A hard-standing area for the in- ter-island air service aircraft parking is proposed. The perimeter retaining walls, which are required in order to relevel the land such that the runway and aprons have the gradients in accord- ance with statutory aviation regulations, shall be stepped to avoid sheer heights along the public roads and allow for the introduction of landscaping around the periphery of the site. The proposal is also for the shifting of security fencing to the site perimeter and the re- location of the windsock. No buildings are being proposed as part of this development. The existing Gozo Heliport is currently administered by Gozo Heliport Limited un- der the remit of the Ministry for Gozo and Planning. Gozo Heliport Limited is a limited liability company fully owned by the Government of Malta, through Malta Government Investments Limited. It was established in May 2002, following the upgrade and inauguration of the ex- isting Gozo Heliport terminal and related infrastructure. Impact of development unlikely to be enough to warrant an EIA, ERA says QP Management Ltd., Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara,BKR 9037, Malta. T: +356 2551 3000 | F: +356 2551 3001 | E: DESIGN | ENGINEER | MANAGE BLOCK PLAN 2126-SK-02-0001 24/11/2021 2126_001-01 Air Link, Xewkija_C.dwg 28 10 Triq Ta' Lambert Triq Ta' Lambert Triq Tal-Kanal Triq Tal-Kanal 99.804 98.980 98.336 97.476 96.230 94.860 93.639 92.806 91.716 91.022 91.333 91.446 91.292 91.010 90.579 90.810 90.358 90.618 91.010 91.230 90.858 91.094 92.930 94.417 95.342 96.014 97.198 99.672 100.242 100.924 101.581 101.621 101.572 100.953 98.567 95.743 101.303 101.818 102.620 103.917 103.509 99.178 98.964 98.573 98.230 97.774 94.697 96.205 93.638 98.823 98.984 95.847 94.015 94.359 93.916 99.001 101.484 96.337 95.887 98.535 97.926 100.168 100.750 99.205 98.709 93.422 93.330 92.700 94.152 97.049 94.690 94.492 96.631 98.134 99.842 103.234 102.751 103.497 103.312 103.921 103.813 103.970 103.743 91.882 92.815 93.657 92.738 92.201 92.252 91.997 91.977 92.039 92.064 91.854 91.561 92.106 91.683 92.404 92.575 92.581 92.957 101.450 103.288 +99.180 +98.420 +95.200 SECTION-01 SECTION-02 SECTION-03 +98.930 +100.430 +99.000 +98.000 +98.750 +97.750 +98.000 +97.700 +98.930 +98.750 +98.100 +97.500 +99.650 +98.170 +98.170 +97.500 +97.250 +99.500 +98.000 +99.180 +99.000 +98.420 +97.200 +99.180 +99.000 +98.420 +97.500 +103.800 +103.200 +99.300 +96.000 +97.500 +100.100 REINFORCED GRASS AREA APRON 3 REINFORCED GRASS AREA APRON 2 REINFORCED GRASS AREA APRON 4 CONCRETE PAVED AREA APRON 1 GRASS AREA GRASS AREA SLOPE 1% SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 2.5% SLOPE 1% SLOPE 1% GATE 1 31m OFFSET 31m OFFSET H +101.820 +103.510 SECTION-04 PROPOSED TRAFFIC LIGHTS PROPOSED TRAFFIC LIGHTS H SECTION-05 RE-FUELLING STATION

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