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GOZOTODAY 9 August 2024

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11 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 9 AUGUST 2024 CULTURE TUCKED away inside the pictur- esque Mediterranean archipelago of Malta, Mġarr on the island of Gozo is a town rich in culture and history. This little yet dynamic town provides a unique fusion of historical significance, modern appeal, and scenic beauty. Mġarr, the primary port of Gozo, wel- comes guests with a magnificent harbour and a wealth of activi- ties, acting as the entryway to this charming island. Mġarr's past is related to its crucial marine position. For gen- erations, the port has served as an essential hub for trade, trans- portation, and cross-cultural in- teractions between Gozo and its neighbouring islands. Mġarr's significance was acknowledged by the Knights of St. John, who controlled Malta from 1530 un- til 1798, and they strengthened it to stave off any attacks. The mid-18th-century remnants of Fort Chambray serve as a remind- er of this historical period. The fortress, which was once planned to be a walled town, today gives visitors a look into Gozo's de- fensive history and offers sweep- ing views of the harbour and the surroundings. It is believed that the name "Mġarr" comes from the Arabic word "mġar," mean- ing "port," reflecting its historical links to the sea. Mġarr is situated on the south- eastern shore of Gozo, and it is regularly connected to Cirkew- wa on the main island of Malta mainly by ferry. The harbour is renowned for its lively bustle, where ferries, yachts, and fishing boats congregate to create a vi- brant marine ambiance. Terraced farms, little towns, and a rocky shoreline characterise the sur- rounding area, providing tourists with a scenic environment to ex- plore. Mġarr has several remarkable features that make it a unique destination. The 25-minute boat ride between Malta and Gozo provides breathtaking views of the island's shoreline and the Mediterranean Sea. Reputable for its crystal-clear Blue Lagoon, the little island of Comino is only a short boat trip from Mġarr. This picturesque location draws visi- tors from all over the world, offer- ing great opportunities for swim- ming, snorkelling, and diving. The Lourdes Chapel is a quaint 19th-century religious chapel sit- uated atop a hill with a view of the harbour. It is a distinctive land- mark in Gozo whose construc- tion draws inspiration from the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. This chapel is not only a place of prayer but also provides stunning views of Mġarr and the surrounding area. If you are interested in Gozo's history, we recommend you make your way to the Għarb Folklore Museum, which is only a short drive from Mġarr. This museum provides an in-depth look into Gozitan customs by displaying items connected to farming, fish- ing, and everyday life on the is- land. The stories surrounding Mġarr lend an air of mystery to its at- traction. Calypso's Cave is the subject of one well-known my- thology. Situated a short dis- tance from Mġarr, close to the settlement of Xaghra, this cave is said to be the same one that the nymph Calypso used to imprison Odysseus for seven years in Hom- er's "Odyssey." Myth or fact, the cave draws a lot of tourists who are enthralled with its literary al- lusions and the expansive views it provides. Several eateries and cafés sur- rounding the harbour provide traditional Gozitan delicacies, making the local food even an at- traction on its own. Anyone who visits should try the fresh fish, lo- cal wines, and ġbejniet (Gozitan cheeselets). A superb gourmet ex- perience is offered by the culinary scene, which reflects the island's agricultural wealth and its Medi- terranean influences. Along with offering access to all of Gozo's many attractions, such as the Azure Window ruins at Dwejra, the Ggantija Temples, and the towns of Nadur and Qala, Mġarr also serves as the starting point for a variety of trips and ex- cursions. Whether you are inter- ested in its historic fortifications, or excited to take part in the local celebrations, or just ready to take in the breathtaking views of the coast—Mġarr has a lot to offer that perfectly encapsulates Gozo. Things to do and see 1. Visit Fort Chambray Built by the Knights of St. John in the middle of the eighteenth century, Fort Chambray is a me- dieval stronghold that overlooks Mġarr Harbour perched on a hill. The fort, which was once meant to be a fortified town, provides in- sight into Gozo's defensive histo- ry. Explore its well-preserved bas- tions and take in expansive views of the surrounding landscape and harbour. Because of its advanta- geous location, the fort is a suit- able place to take pictures, learn about Gozo's military past, and take in the stunning surround- ings. 2. Explore the Blue Lagoon on Comino The Blue Lagoon on the adja- cent island of Comino is a must- see site and only a short boat journey from Mġarr. The lagoon, which is well-known for its glis- tening blue waters, is ideal for div- ing, snorkelling, and swimming. Travelers from all over the world are drawn to this lovely location by its breathtaking natural beau- ty. In addition to swimming in the cool waters and exploring the un- derwater marine life, visitors may unwind on the rocky coastline. 3. Discover Calypso's Cave Calypso's Cave, located near the town of Xaghra and a few kilo- metres from Mġarr, is steeped in folklore. Beautiful sweeping views of Ramla Bay and the surround- ing landscape may be seen from the cave. Explore the cave's inside and conjure up the old tales that go along with it. Travelers will find the place to be intriguing as it perfectly combines literary herit- age with the beauty of nature. 4. Enjoy Traditional Cuisine at Mġarr Marina There are several superb eat- eries and cafés in Mġarr Marina that provide authentic Gozitan food. Fresh seafood, including lo- cally caught fish and shellfish, is available for guests to enjoy. Tra- ditional Gozitan pizza called ftira and cheeselets called ġbejniet are also renowned. Dining on the wa- terfront offers a tranquil setting with views of the busy harbour and the boats drifting leisurely by. The marina is an ideal location for relaxing, enjoying mouthwa- tering regional cuisine, and taking in the friendliness of the Gozitan people. Exploring Mgarr, portal to Gozo Fort Chambray

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