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GOZOTODAY 23 August 2024

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7 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 23 AUGUST 2024 PEOPLE It's testimonials like Rina's that highlight the enduring appeal of these small, fami- ly-run establishments, even as they navigate the challenges of modern tourism. Yet, like Jackie at The Lyndee House, Elena faces her own set of challenges. The rise of major booking platforms like Book- and Expedia has made it easier to attract guests, but at a steep cost. "The big booking companies take such large commissions," Elena explains, highlighting a common frustration among small business owners on the is- land. The financial pressures are compounded by the difficulty in securing reliable staff, forc- ing Elena to juggle multiple roles, from managing guest re- lations to preparing meals. Moreover, the rise of online review platforms has intro- duced a new dynamic, where some guests wield the power of a bad review as leverage to demand more than what they paid for. "Service is everything," Elena admits, "but it's disheartening when some customers try to manipulate the system to their advantage." Both Jackie and Elena's sto- ries are reflective of a broader challenge facing Gozo's small hospitality businesses. While the island's growing popularity as a tourist destina- tion brings much-needed reve- nue, it also puts pressure on its infrastructure and environment. The increasing traffic on roads like Gharb Road, for in- stance, is a constant concern for both locals and visitors, as the island grapples with bal- ancing development and pres- ervation. Despite these challenges, both *The Lyndee House* and *Ta' Pinu Guest House* continue to thrive, offering guests some- thing that no large hotel chain can—an experience steeped in history, personalised service, and the quiet, enduring charm of Gozitan life. However, as Gozo's tourism industry evolves, the future of these small, family-run estab- lishments remains uncertain. The competition is fierce, with high-end hotels and boutique B&Bs vying for the same slice of the market, and the pres- sures of modern tourism eco- nomics weigh heavily on their shoulders. In the end, the story of Gozo's small B&Bs is one of resilience. Jackie and Elena, like many other small business owners on the island, continue to offer a level of service and authentic- ity that is unmatched, even as they navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing landscape. Their dedication ensures that visitors to Gozo can still ex- perience the island's true es- sence—where history, hospi- tality, and heart come together to create an unforgettable stay. hospitality: The heart and struggles of Gozo's booming tourism industry Jackie Smith (top left), owner of The Lyndee House in Nadur, and Elena Marariu (top right) who manages the Ta' Pinu Guest House in Gharb The rise of online review platforms has introduced a new dynamic, where some guests wield the power of a bad review as leverage to demand more than what they paid for. PHOTOS: ANTHONY REED

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