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GOZOTODAY 23 August 2024

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11 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 23 AUGUST 2024 CULTURE Saint Demetrius. Dimitri Point is located below a dramatic cliff edge, with cliffs climbing up to over 80 metres. It is also a dive site enhanced by species such as grouper, bar- racuda, and tuna. The name originates from the legend of San Dimitri, which re- counts his saving of a widow's son during a Turkish invasion, leading to a painting of him be- ing placed within a chapel. This chapel later succumbed to tremors and sank into the sea. The legend says that the sub- merged chapel has a burning light in the window, and that the hourly chiming of the bell can still be heard. Lunzjata valley This fertile valley is one of the most well-preserved spots in Gozo and one of the few remain- ing valleys on the island with a a permanent freshwater supply. This agricultural valley is only a short walk from Victoria and was previously used for hunting by the Knights of Malta. The fields of green, the con- stant sounds of running water as well as the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Annunciation located at the entrance contrib- ute to a calming atmosphere and one of the best relaxing country walks. Ta' Kenuna Tower If you're in Nadur, their tradi- tional Ftira Għawdxija (Gozitan pizza with potatoes) is not the only thing you should be looking out for. Check out the perfect spot to enjoy it as well! Situated on a hill, Ta' Kenu- na Tower not only offers great views of Malta, Comino, and Gozo, but is also a great spot to watch sunrise and sunset. The tower was built in 1848 and served as a telegraph sta- tion. What better place to un- wind and indulge in traditional cuisine than a historical site with benches, a mini botanic garden, and a wooden bridge? Wied il-Ghasri Make your way to Wied il-Għasri on the northern coast of Gozo; one the island's greatest seaside treasures where impres- sive cliffs enclose a small beach in great peace and quiet. If you intend on hiking into the inlet, keep in mind that there are no amenities, providing the opportunity to squeeze a picnic into your schedule. Wied il-Għasri is very popu- lar with snorkellers and divers for the surrounding underwater caves. For those seeking a quiet bathing area, the very narrow bay is a haven you can't miss. The valley begins from Ta' Dbieġi hill and goes through Għasri between Żebbuġ and Tal-Ġurdan Hill, towards the open sea on the north coast of Gozo. This is a great place for both sunrise and sunset. many hidden gems Clockwise from top left: Xerri's Grotto, San Dimitri Chapel, Wied il-Ghasri and Ta' Kenuna Tower

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