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MALTATODAY 25 August 2024

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2 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 AUGUST 2024 NEWS The Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence, within the Office of the Prime Minister (European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue) is seeking to recruit the following personnel: MANAGER I (POLICY) Jobsplus Permit No. 213/2024 MANAGER I (COMMUNICATIONS) Jobsplus Permit No. 214/2024 CLERK Jobsplus Permit No. 727/2024 For further details and application guidelines contact: Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence, Zentrum Business Centre, Triq l-Imdina, Qormi Phone 2276 8304 / E-mail: CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Metered abstraction from non-agricultural sources has now increased from 833,004 cu- bic metres in 2019 to 1,713,982 cubic metres in 2023, while that from agricultural boreholes has only increased marginally from 2.9cb.m to 3.2 cb.m. And while non-agricultural abstraction in 2019 account- ed for 21% of the total amount of groundwater taken from the ground, by 2023 it had grow ex- ponentially to 35% of the total amount of groundwater abstract- ed. In 2023, two boreholes alone ab- stracted over 50,000 cubic metres of groundwater, down from six in 2019. All registered groundwater sources, except old hand-dug wells known in Maltese as 'spie- ri', are metered, given the EWA a clear idea of how much of this natural resource of water is used. Yet, no tariffs are imposed on the water used, which means bows- ers that fill up swimming pools, construction companies, or even bottling firms that use the water for their sodas and mineral water, effectively take it for free before resale. All this could change if the pro- posals in a green paper issued for public consultation last year are implemented. The green paper proposes an unprecedented tariff system based on the volumes abstracted from the water table. But it also distin- guishes between three categories of users: namely domestic users, commercial entities and domestic users. While proposing a tariff for both domestic and commercial users, farmers will be allocated a quota based on factors such as land area, the crops cultivated, farm size, as well as environmental factors. No volumetric tariffs will be applied to water use within this quota. However, groundwater and 'New Water' – the polished treated sewage water –in excess of this quota will be charged at a volu- metric rate "close to the real cost of groundwater." Unlike farmers, commercial op- erators will not be eligible for a quota of free water but will benefit from a 25% rebate on the annual cost of groundwater abstraction, if they fully implement water man- agement measures identified in an audit. When asked about the progress made since the conclusion of the public consultation in January, EWA chief executive officer Ma- nuel Sapiano explained that the government is currently in the process of drafting a white paper. Submissions received from key stakeholders have already been evaluated. "These submissions and how they will be addressed will be made available through a document backing the White Pa- per. The White Paper will, there- fore, serve as a consolidation of detailed proposals on the way for- ward," Sapiano said. He also emphasised that the agency's priority is "to ensure that the new measures are actually workable in the practical environ- ment" and "address the specific challenges and issues indicated by the stakeholders." Sapiano also provided Malta- Today with a list of issues raised during the public consultation. These included the impact of the proposed regulation on the cost of bowser water and private wa- ter suppliers, permitting bottle- necks for agricultural reservoirs, access to new water by farmers, permits for new boreholes, wa- ter use for swimming pools, bird ponds, and irrigation for gardens and landscaping, and the need for increased enforcement. White Paper to propose a tariff system on the abstraction of groundwater being used

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