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MALTATODAY 25 August 2024

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11 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 AUGUST 2024 MATTHEW FARRUGIA AVVIŻ TA' INTENZJONI Dan l-avviż ta' intenzjoni huwa sottomess għal PRIME360 HOLDING LTD. Dil- proposta temporanja tal-aġenzija tax-xogħol tirreferi għal dawk l-impjegati pprovduti għall-impjegati fl-intrapriża fejn dawn l-impjegati jkunu taħt is- superviżjoni u l-kontroll ta' min imexxi. L-isem tal-applikant: PRIME360 HOLDING LTD In-Numru ta' Reġistrazzjoni tal-Applikant: C106226 Attivitajiet: • Aġenzija ta' Xogħol Temporanju u Servizzi ta' Sub-contracting; • Proviżjoni ta' ħaddiema temporanji għal xogħlijiet tal-intrapriża; • Immaniġġjar temporanju tal-impjegati u l-bidliet tal-irwol tagħhom; • Garanzija ta' konformità mar-regolamenti tax-xogħol għal ħaddiema temporanji; • Kuntratti u s-subkuntratti tal-impjegati; • Immaniġġjar ta' impjegati li tneħħew; • Kordinazzjoni mal-ħaddiema għal immaniġġjar aktar effettiv UFFIĊĊJU RREĠISTRAT 1, Triq il-Kurat Schembri, Mosta, Malta L-indirizz tal-Post minn fejn se jsiru l-Attivitajiet Temporanji tal-Aġenzija huwa l-istess bħal dak imsemmi fuq. Justice Ministry mum over shelved cyber abuse Bill A Bill that would've seen the criminalisation of cyber abuse has remained shelved for over two years, with no indication of whether this could be enacted into law. Discussions surrounding the Bill have once again cropped up following yet another femi- cide where the victim died at the hands of her former partner. Victim Nicolette Ghirxi had re- ported her aggressor to the police over emailed insults months pri- or to her murder. The emails, seen by MaltaTo- day, were threatening and in- sulting towards the victim. Ghirxi's aggressor, Edward William Johnston, was also believed to have shared intimate photos of his ex-partner. Proposed for the first time in 2021, the forgotten Bill stated that anyone accused of cyberbullying "ought to know that it will cause physical or mental harm to another person, including self- harm or arouse apprehension or fear in the other person for his or her own safety…" The Bill would provide victims of abuse on digital platforms, with legal protection. Despite this, the Bill's broad wording, especially surrounding the word "offensive" meant that it could easily have been used to clamp down on freedom of speech. At the time, the Opposition had voiced its concern and warned the Bill should not be an excuse to silence those who want to partic- ipate in a public debate, as it was stated that the Bill could see the return of a form of criminal libel. The Bill made its way to the sec- ond reading stage of Parliament, but following the 2022 election, newly elected justice minister Jon- athan Attard had announced that government intended to review the Bill before tabling it again. Shortly after his election, At- tard stated, "The principle that cyberbullying and cyberstalking should be criminalised remains the same, but given the concerns raised during the parliamentary debate, I will review the legisla- tion and table an amended ver- sion in due course." Earlier this year, Malta's Com- missioner for Equality Helena Dalli successfully piloted a set of proposals which were made in- to a directive which criminalises physical violence, as well as psy- chological, economic and sexual violence against women across the EU, both offline and online. The directive saw that the most widespread forms of cy- ber-violence will be criminalised under the new rules, including the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, deepfakes, cy- ber-stalking, cyber-harassment, misogynous hate speech and "cy- ber-flashing". Government is yet to transpose the directive into Maltese law. MaltaToday asked the Justice Ministry whether it plans to ta- ble its own Bill in Parliament, as well as to explain why it had been shelved, but no replies were giv- en. Femicide victim Nicolette Ghirxi (inset) had reported her aggressor to the police over emailed insults sent to her months prior to her murder

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