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MALTATODAY 1 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 1 SEPTEMBER 2024 4 ALMANAC My essentials ELYSE TONNA 33, curator and architect A creator of spatial experiences, a collector of stories and narratives, a facilitator of connections, Elyse is a mediator between art, communities, contexts and everything in between - a collaborator, dreamer and visionary. Her practice spans various disciplines including visual arts, architecture, design and placemaking. She is passionate about the environment and cultural heritage. Elyse is currently the co-curator of the Malta Pavilion at the 60th edition of the Venice Biennale. 1. Books 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place I'VE never been the type of person to identify with a spe- cific artist or genre, this great- ly depends on what I'm doing and on my mood. They can vary drastically - from elec- tronic pop, progressive rock, trip hop, ambient, jazz funk, disco, alternative rock, con- temporary jazz, electropop etc. It's a very vast range, but nothing too chaotic. Recently, a friend introduced me to 'My Analog Journal' on YouTube- it's been great to discover new music. I also try my bestest to support local bands, musi- cians and sound artists - espe- cially the alternative scene. ANY unbuilt place which is as close as possible to the coast. I am continuously in awe of the landforms, the caves, the boulders, the col- ours, and the random ver- nacular structures which lie hidden in between. I love exploring the coastline from land and from the sea, on my kayak - a place where I completely zone out. I recently started reading Unknown, Unknowns. An Introduction to Mys- teries - one of the books which was published for the 23rd edition of the Milano Triennale. Like many of the books I buy, it initially caught my attention because of its unique design and the type of paper used (I admit to judging a book by its cover!). However, I recently began reading some of the essays inside. Written by various authors, the es- says explore different phenomena which remain unresolved. I was particularly intrigued by the es- say on design by Emanuele Quinz, which discusses the evolution of ar- tistic and design processes in con- temporary society. I'M typically drawn to docu- mentaries about the environ- ment because they keep me engaged but also challenge the way I think or understand the world and how it is changing. Some of my favourites include Kiss the Ground, My Octopus Teacher, Chasing Ice and Da- vid Attenborough's A Life on Our Planet, among others. As a subtle advocate for the envi- ronment, I resonate with the urgency to protect our natural world, adapt our ways of living and strive to find balance that allows us to coexist. MOST of my internet feed is related to art, design, the environment and food. I primarily rely on Instagram algorithms to work their magic to bring up content which keeps me interest- ed and curious - let's say they've done a good job so far! I typically end up going from one profile or post to another, it also helps me in my work when seeking new collaborators. Compiled by Laura Calleja suggestions by email This page is supported by Arts Council Malta 4 5 1 2 3

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