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MALTATODAY 1 September 2024

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KURT SANSONE YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 1295 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Confusion over Dominican Order's school in Ghaxaq PAGE 10 Will Robert Abela retain Glenn Micallef as Commisioner- designate? PAGE 8 School plans Tough grilling Core issues maltatoday Alex Sciberras on Alex Sciberras on running for Labour running for Labour president and president and Muscat's legacy Muscat's legacy INTERVIEW INTERVIEWMT2 MT2 KURT SANSONE A planned income tax cut in the budget targeting middle class dis- gruntlement has been described by the Prime Minister as "the big- gest ever in this country's history". Robert Abela gave no detail but his bold claim on Sunday contrasts with the more modest approach adopted by his Finance Minister. Contacted by MaltaToday, Clyde Caruana said he "preferred not to comment at this stage" about the details that will be announced in next month's budget. During the 2022 election cam- paign the PL had pledged that tax- payers would see the non-taxable portion of their income increase by €1,700. PAGES 6 - 7 THE Electoral Commission is concerned over the possible repercussions the sprawling Identità scandal may have on the integrity of the elector- al registers, MaltaToday has learnt. The Commission maintains three electoral registers, which contain the list of eligible vot- ers for the general election, local elections and the Euro- pean Parliament election. The registers are updated twice a year based on the information passed on to the Commission by Identità. Chief Electoral Commission- er Joseph Camilleri told Malta- Today the Commission "is fol- lowing this matter very closely" when contacted for a reaction. PAGES 4 - 5 Architecture & Design Be sure to get your copy with this edition of MaltaToday Abela raises expectations with 'historic' tax cut targeting disgruntled middle class €1.95 Robert Abela is trying to assuage the middle class with a generous tax cut after the Labour Party suffered a dismal showing in the June European election Electoral Commission concerned over Identità scandal Chief Electoral Commissioner Joseph Camilleri says the Electoral Commission is following the unfolding Identità scandal 'very closely'

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