Architecture & Design

Architecture and Design September 2024

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Architecture & Design | 19 LOOKING TO MAKE THEIR MARK IN THE INDUSTRY? Listen, and try and gain experience in international studios, do not get buried behind Instagram and Pinterest look around and observe what is around you, stay true to yourself and what you believe in and do not be scared to fail. WHO ARE YOUR BIGGEST INFLUENCES OR MENTORS IN THE FIELD OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN? I cannot think of a particular person to be honest. One of the greatest things about my work so far is that I have been given the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and all have been instrumental in more ways than one in influencing the way I think, approach design and tackle challenges, regardless of whether they were older or younger than me. Stepping into buildings, I obviously cannot help but looking at the work of various designers and analysing the way they tackle different or similar details. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than sitting within a space and taking in all that is around me. Unfortunately, this can also back fire as I can be quite critical when things are not quite right. REFLECTING ON YOUR CAREER, WHAT KEY LESSONS HAVE YOU LEARNED THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? I feel this question is slightly difficult to answer as I believe I have still a long way to go even though I have been in the industry for 20 years and there is still a lot more to learn. Every project and every experience to date has thought me something new be it about myself or about the place or people I am working with. However, if I had to pick out key points, believing in yourself and persevering are definitely on the top of the list. Being prepared to take risks is also fundamental part of the learning curve as through the success or fail of that risk we stand to learn a lot, most especially if we fail. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE ASPIRATIONS FOR STUDIO ABELA? I set up Studio Abela in the heart of the pandemic, wanting a new challenge and seeking to embark on a different adventure with little thought of the future but more with the idea of taking things as they come along, which to be honest has always been my approach in life. After more than three years, if I had to try and look into the future and the companies aspirations, I would say that the most important thing is to remain true to oneself and the projects we work on. Ensuring that each project gets the right dedication and focus it deserves and that aspirations are delivered. Maintaining a strong core team is also key in delivering a continuous personalised service from initial concept up to completion.

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