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MaltaToday 4 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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8 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMERCIAL HSBC Malta Foundation launches a charitable initiative to continue supporting local NGOs THE HSBC Malta Foundation has announced its latest char- itable initiative aimed at con- tinuing to support local com- munities. With the invaluable support and generosity of the HSBC Malta employees and suppliers, the Foundation do- nated a wide range of essential items to various NGOs across Malta. The initiative focused on pro- viding much-needed supplies to help NGOs assist their service users effectively. The donations included stationery items, refill- able and reusable water bottles, food for the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation and Caritas Malta, books for the ALS Malta book- shop, and quilts and blankets for shelters. Additionally, Fondazzjoni Sebħ received a special dona- tion of men's clothing to dis- tribute to those in need. HSBC Malta is committed to supporting local shelters by providing quilts and blankets to NGOs such as YMCA, Fon- dazzjoni Sebħ, RISE Founda- tion, and Building Bridges for the upcoming winter season. This initiative ensures that vulnerable individuals have ac- cess to warmth and comfort. The bank also contributed food items to the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation and Caritas Malta, addressing food insecu- rity and supporting families in need across Malta. In collaboration with the ALS Malta, the HSBC Malta Foun- dation donated a selection of books to their bookshop, empowering the community through the joy of reading and supporting ALS's ongoing ef- forts. This initiative aligns with HSBC Malta's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals by promoting community welfare, social equality, and sus- tainable resource use. Furthermore, it supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education and Reduced Inequality. "We believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting those who need it most," said Glenn Bugeja on behalf of the HSBC Malta Foun- dation. "Our initiative aims to pro- vide essential resources that can make a real difference in people's lives and empower or- ganisations to continue their outstanding work in our soci- ety." The NGOs that benefited from donations of stationery, water bottles, and other es- sential items include Inspire, Richmond Foundation, FI- DEM Foundation, ALS Malta, MCAST - Outreach Servic- es and Student Affairs Office, LOOP, Building Bridges, Fon- dazzjoni Sebħ - Shelter Milja, Soup Kitchen in Valletta, Life Network Foundation, St Jean Antide Foundation, Happy Par- enting - Malta (For Happier Children), Smiling with Jerome, Dar il-Kaptan, Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, Caritas Mal- ta, Families Supported by the Missionaries of Charity, Fami- lies supported by the Augustine Sisters, Kummissjoni Parroċċa Tfal, The St Augustine Com- munity in Valletta, St Ignatius College, Woman for Woman and YMCA. A number of NGO representatives who support the local communities during the presentation of the stationery items donated by the HSBC Malta Foundation CF Homes, one of Malta's leading real estate compa- nies, has recently undertaken the refurbishment and other maintenance works of a sec- tion within Id-Dar tal-Provi- denza in Siggiewi. Works on a number of rooms at Id-Dar tal-Providenza start- ed at the beginning of this summer and consisted of strip- ping the rooms to their shell state before making them fully weatherproof and refurbishing them to a high standard. Clifton Cassar, Director at CF Homes, expressed the company's pride in supporting such a meaningful project. "We are honoured to con- tribute to this remarkable in- itiative," he said. "Malta owes a great debt to Fr Martin and his team at Dar tal-Providenza for the invalu- able work they do behind the scenes every day." He also encouraged other companies to follow suit in supporting similar causes. The refurbishment was co- ordinated and funded by CF Homes, utilising their work- force and materials, with ad- ditional support from their partners including Prodoor, TC Limited, and others. Fr. Martin Micallef, the di- rector of Id-Dar tal-Providen- za, extended his gratitude to CF Homes for their generous donation. Facilities at Id-Dar tal-Providenza improved in project financed by real estate company The initiative focused on providing much- needed supplies to help NGOs assist their service users effectively

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