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MaltaToday 4 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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3 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS MATTHEW AGIUS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 This patient is clinically stable and does not require hospi- talisation. "The patient has been isolated and contact tracing efforts are underway to prevent further transmission. Further testing is being carried out to identify the specific Clade of the Mpox virus of this case." On Tuesday, the Health Ministry explained that the Mpox virus has two distinct clades: Clade I and Clade II. Clade I is predominantly found in Central Africa and is as- sociated with more severe illness and higher mortality rates. Due to this Clade's severity, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Clade I a Public Health Emergency of Inter- national Concern. Clade II, which is less severe and has a significantly lower mortality rate, is responsible for the ongoing global outbreak that began in 2022. This clade is primarily sexually transmit- ted. Malta previously investigated 35 cases in relation to this global outbreak up until 2023. Tueaday's case falls under Clade II. In light of the confirmed Mpox case, the Health Authorities have issued guidelines to curb the virus's spread. They em- phasise the importance of practicing safe sex and engaging in open conversations with partners about sexual health. People are advised to avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with individuals who have a rash resembling Mpox and to main- tain good hand hygiene by frequently washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Caution is urged during social gatherings and intimate con- tact, particularly avoiding sharing personal items like towels, bedding, and clothing with infected individuals. Additionally, anyone experiencing symptoms or who has been in contact with someone diagnosed with Mpox should seek medical advice promptly. The public is urged to stay informed and adhere to the rec- ommended guidelines to ensure their safety and well-being. Second Mpox patient isolated, does not require hospitalisation Schembri, Muscat and associates seek recusal of judges deciding freezing order appeal LAWYERS for the former OPM Chief of Staff, Keith Schembri, have demanded the recusal of Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti and the two other judges after the judges refused their request to exhibit a copy of the acts of the case against Shaukat Ali Chaudry. Through this case Schembri, together with Joseph Muscat, Adrian Hillman, Karl Cini, Bri- an Tonna, Nexia BT, Clarence Conger Thompson and David Meli are challenging the freez- ing orders imposed on them in separate criminal proceedings in which they are charged with accepting bribes, money laun- dering and trading in influence, amongst other offences. One of the central arguments in their appeal is that the Court of Appeal, composed of the same three judges (Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, Mr. Justice Giannino Caruana Demajo and Anthony Mr. Justice Ellul), had already declared that there had been col- lusion between Steward and high ranking Government officials in the civil case filed by former PN leader Adrian Delia. The appellants are arguing that this meant that the judges had already expressed an opin- ion about the individuals who are now criminally charged over the Government's fraudulent hospitals deal with Vitals Global Healthcare. In a decree handed down yes- terday, the court rejected their request to call the Registrar of Courts to the witness stand in order to exhibit a copy of the court file pertaining to the crim- inal case against Shaukat Ali Chaudry, as the merits of the two cases were different. The judges ruled that the out- come of this appeal "did not de- pend on what might have hap- pened in criminal proceedings in which the appellants are not parties to." The issue which the Court of Appeal was tasked with ruling on dealt with the provi- sions of the Proceeds of Crime Act and their effect on a number of fundamental rights, they said. In addition to this, the court pointed out that, in any case, parties to criminal proceedings are bound not to make the acts of the case public. When the case was called this morning, Keith Schembri's law- yer, Edward Gatt, verbally in- formed the court that the parties were jointly requesting the rec- usal of the three judges. The court ordered that the re- quest be made formally, in writ- ing, with four days for the oppos- ing counsel to file a reply. The case was adjourned for a decision on this issue, to be given on September 23. Lawyers Julian Farrugia and Miguel Degabriele are represent- ing the Office of the State Advo- cate in the proceedings. Prosecu- tor Francesco Refalo is appearing on behalf of the Office of the At- torney General. The plaintiffs are argiung that the Court of Appeal, composed of the same three judges whose recusal is being requested, had declared that there had been collusion between Steward and high ranking Government officials in the civil case filed by Adrian Delia Keith Schembri (File photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

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