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MALTATODAY 8 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 8 SEPTEMBER 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Sicilia Outlet Village unveils exciting end-of-year promotions and activities SICILIA Outlet Village, the largest outlet village in Italy, is proud to announce an ar- ray of end-of-year promotions and activities that promise a unique shopping experience. With 170 international and luxury brands, the Village of- fers a delightful alternative to traditional shopping malls, set in a beautiful outdoor environ- ment perfect for all types of shoppers. This season kicks off with the launch of the New Collection for Fall/Winter on September 1, alongside the much-antici- pated reopening of the Michael Kors store on September 12th, which will offer a completely new customer experience. In celebration of Malta's Inde- pendence Day, a "Happy Days" week from September 14th to 22nd will provide all Maltese residents with exclusive dis- counts of up to 30% off outlet prices. This annual event is always a success with the Mal- tese community and not to be missed. During this festive week, the Village will also welcome tal- ented artists who will entertain visitors with acrobatic shows and dance performances. The acrobatic shows will take place from 11:30AM to 7:30PM in various areas of the Village, featuring a vibrant mix of dance, singing performances, and circus acts. As the holiday season ap- proaches, Sicilia Outlet Vil- lage will extend its Black Fri- day weekend to an entire week from November 23rd to De- cember 1st, featuring incredi- ble discounts of up to 50% off outlet prices throughout the week. Shoppers can also look for- ward to our Christmas Gifts Collection, running from De- cember 1st to 25th, making it the perfect opportunity for holiday shopping. In the fi- nal month of the year, Sicilia Outlet Village will host fami- ly-oriented activities, including performances and the highly anticipated Christmas tree illu- mination ceremony, which sets the festive season mood. Join us at Sicilia Outlet Vil- lage for a memorable shop- ping experience filled with joy, festive spirit, and wonderful deals. For more information on promotions and events, please visit www.siciliaoutlet- BOV hosts Malta association of small shareholders in courtesy visit Bank of Valletta recently hosted the Malta Association of Small Sharehold- ers (MASS) at the House of the Four Winds in Valletta. This courtesy visit forms part of the Bank's outreach pro- gram and its commitment to keep the market regularly updated with infor- mation that is of interest to its stake- holders. Key members of MASS were hosted by the Bank's Chairman Dr Gordon Cordina, CEO Kenneth Farru- gia and CFO Kevin Cardona. During the meeting the Bank pre- sented an overview of its financial performance for the first six months of the year, and shared key strategic initiatives being undertaken to sustain its current performance while posi- tioning the Bank for future growth. An important topic of conversation to shareholders is the potential dividend distribution that shareholders expect following the announcement of the half year results. The Bank confirmed that the Board is in the process of compiling forward-looking data and conducting an analysis to consider the payment of a dividend out of the profit realised in 1H 2024. This is in line with the pro- cess followed last year and a formal an- nouncement in this regard will be made in due course. The Bank reiterated that dividend de- cisions at BOV are not based on a sim- ple calculation but need to meet impor- tant risk and regulatory criteria, which focus on the strength and viability of the Bank's future business. This is es- sential to safeguard the best interests of shareholders and wider stakeholders. In line with the Bank's Dividend Policy, when proposing a dividend, the Board considers four important tenets, those of affordability (in terms of assessing current profitability and accumulated distributable reserves in the balance sheet), Regulatory Capital Adequacy (maintaining a sufficient level of capital and liquidity to comply with all relevant regulatory obligations and expectations mindful of the impact of CRR3 in Janu- ary 2025), Growth Projections (demand for capital for business growth over the coming three year period), as well as shareholders' reasonable expectations and market practices. The Malta Association of Small Share- holders congratulated the Board and management team for the excellent re- sults achieved to date. The association encouraged the senior bank officials to be generous with the shareholders in the next dividend payout. Members of MASS present for the meeting made various suggestions that would be of benefit to customers and shareholders. Such suggestions included waivers of fees related to SEPA wire transfers for transactions under €1,000 to incentiv- ise customers to move to digital chan- nels, the enhancement of information on the Bank's website as well sugges- tions on the current deposit scenario and alternative investment and pension instruments available to customers. The Bank welcomes such suggestions and reviews such proposals in light of its current strategic position. From vision to venture: Empowering the creative industry through entrepreneurship A free Entrepreneurship for Creatives course, an initiative from the Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Initiatives (FPEI) supported by APS Bank, promises to help participants learn the entrepreneurial skills they need to transform their artistic vision into a thriving business enterprise. Covering business techniques and tips tailored for the creative sector, this hybrid course features workshops and masterclass- es, each guided by experienced business leaders and people in the field. Participants will have the chance to apply knowledge across a wide variety of core and business skills to their practical endeavours, such as financial literacy, sales and mar- keting strategy, pitching, public speaking and sustainability. Meanwhile, the sessions will follow weekly themes throughout the course, from brainwork and ethical lead- ership to money management and skills knowledge. Kicking off on 30 September, the sessions will be held twice a week from 6pm to 8pm until 24 October. To allow for busy sched- ules, some sessions will be held in-person (with no virtual connection), while oth- ers will be delivered online via Zoom. The course's in-person sessions will take place at Valletta Design Cluster – the ideal location to connect with like-minded individuals and share insights over a coffee break. "This course is an incredible opportunity for artists to learn the business skills they need to build robust, sustainable careers in the creative industry," says FPEI Foun- dation Manager, Giselle Borg Olivier. "If you've ever felt in the dark about any aspect of the business side of the arts, this course is a must. But spaces are limited, so we en- courage you to secure your place as soon as possible." The Entrepreneurship for Creatives course from FPEI, supported by APS Bank, will take place online via Zoom and in-person at Valletta Design Cluster, with bi-weekly sessions from 30 September to 24 October. Sign up today at forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScae7sAwpk4_TAL- CYt80S6x8EHwV1BJc-Ua9uP5TNO8AH- Kq-w/viewform.

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