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MALTATODAY 8 September 2024

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9 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 8 SEPTEMBER 2024 Numru ta' Reġistrazzjoni tal-Kumpanija: C105380 Indirizz tal-Uffiċċju Reġistrat: 140, France, Triq F.S. Caruana, Birkirkara. Email Address: ITTRA TA' INTENZJONI Id-Diretturi ta' Hire Smart Services Ltd. b'dan niddikjaraw l-intenzjoni tagħna li nirreġistraw għal an Liċenzja tal-Aġenzija tal-Impjiegi skont l-Artikolu 23 tal- Impjieg u Att dwar is-Servizzi ta' Taħriġ, 1990 (Att XXVIII ta' l-1990). L-attivitajiet proposti tagħna jallinjaw mal-impenn tagħna li niffaċilitaw bla xkiel opportunitajiet ta' impjieg u t-titjib tal-proċessi ta' reklutaġġ. L-attivitajiet ta servizzi huma kif ġej: - Konsulenza dwar ir-Reklutaġġ - Intervisti, Għażla, u Pjazzament - Reklutaġġ ta' Kandidati Internazzjonali - Reklutaġġ Lokali - Reklamar ta' Postijiet Vakanti - Ġestjoni tar-Reġistru tal-Applikanti Isem tal-Kumpanija: Hire Smart Services Ltd. Indirizz tal-Uffiċċju Reġistrat Uffiċjali: 140, France, Triq F.S. Caruana, Birkirkara. Numru ta' Reġistrazzjoni tal-Kumpanija: C 105380 F'Hire Smart Services Ltd., aħna ddedikati biex inżommu l-ogħla standards ta' professjonaliżmu, integrità, u konformità fl-isforzi kollha tagħna. Il-missjoni tagħna hija biex trawwem relazzjonijiet ta' impjieg ta' benefiċċju reċiproku li jikkontribwixxu b'mod pożittiv it-tkabbir u s-suċċess kemm ta' min iħaddem kif ukoll ta' dawk li qed ifittxu xogħol. NOTICE By the Commission for the Election of Board Members on the Engineering Board The Commission for Election of Board Members on the Inġiniera Board notifies that following the elections for three (3) members on the Inġiniera Board, the members elected to fill the vacant positions, in accordance with Chapter 321 of the Laws of Malta with effect from 3rd September 2024 are as follows: Electrical Engineering Stream: • Engineer Samuel Bonanno, ID card number 1188M • Engineer Arthur Lawrence Ciantar, ID card number 702162M Mechanical Engineering Stream: • Engineer Simon Scicluna, ID card number 214374M over lobbying register but PM hints at reform an EU-funded project to evalu- ate Malta's integrity framework. The OECD endorsed and further developed the Commissioner's proposals, and issued three re- ports proposing a new codes of ethics for MPs and ministers, a new law regulating lobbying and another report on the asset and interest declaration by MPs and ministers. The OECD also called for effec- tive sanctions in case of breaches of the law including cases where meetings with lobbyists are not logged or where the information disclosed to the public is incor- rect or misleading. The OECD's report acknowl- edged that some actors will avoid identifying and reporting their actions as "lobbying". "Thus, it is crucial that the lobbying regula- tion contains a separate mecha- nism for reporting all influence efforts, regardless of the lobby- ist/non-lobbyist status of the in- fluencer." In July and September 2022, the former Commissioner for Standards wrote to the Prime Minister to formally recommend that the government implements the OECD proposals on lobbying and on the codes of ethics for MPs and ministers. In November 2023, the cur- rent Commissioner wrote to the Prime Minister to recommend that the government should im- plement the OECD proposals on asset and interest declarations. Joseph Azzopardi also pointed out that his predecessor's recom- mendations remained outstand- ing. No reply was forthcoming to these letters. The political repercussions Ironically it was the Labour Party which, despite facing criticism of colluding with big business, went on the of- fensive proposing pledging a transparency register for MPs, ministers and key public figures in its manifesto for the 2017 general election. The party pledged that the register will be public and used to declare any meetings that can potentially create a conflict. The party also suggest- ed that lobby groups and NGOs should register their interest for meetings with Cabinet ministers. But the proposal was not enact- ed even after the political storm which led to the resignation of prime minister Joseph Muscat. In the wake of the political cri- sis ushered by the arrest of ener- gy magnate Yorgen Fenech, the alleged mastermind in the as- sassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a public inquiry threw the spotlight on the rela- tionship between big business and politicians. In its final report the inquiry called for the regula- tion of lobbying and for all com- munication between politicians and business to be carried out through official channels. Upon his appointment in Janu- ary 2020 then environment min- ister Aaron Farrugia anticipated his colleagues, announcing his intention to register meetings with lobbyists. But he later back- tracked saying that he was wait- ing for the outcome of a proposal being drafted by the Standards Commissioner for a govern- ment-wide lobby register. The idea of a transparency register also featured in a raft of anti-corruption laws presented by the Nationalist Party in 2022 with the party also promising the introduction of a register logging meetings between ministers and lobbyists in its electoral manifes- to before the 2022 general elec- tion. The issue resurfaced again this week with former Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer calling on the Labour government to take the lead and introduce a lobby and transparency register, instead of simply taking to task European Parliament president Roberta Metsola after a Politico report revealed a transparency and eth- ics protocol for MEPs specifically excluded the office of the presi- dent. Metsola's husband Ukko happens to be a director of Royal Caribbean Cruises and its lobby- ing arm. : The issue of a transparency register was recast in the spotlight after it became known that the European Parliament president was exempt from new transparency rules for MEPs. Roberta Metsola's husband (left) is a registered lobbyist for the cruise industry

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