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MaltaToday 11 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 908 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY EDITORIAL • PAGE 11 MATTHEW VELLA Magistrate finds no negligence by doctors who treated Stephen Mangion KURT SANSONE Former Nationalist MP Karl Gouder passes away at 45 THE former Nationalist MP Karl Goud- er has passed away at the age of 45, the Nationalist Party has announced. Opposition leader Bernard Grech said the news had shocked the party, sending his condolences to the Gouder family. "He was a dedicated person who occu- pied so many important posts within the PN and its media. Our thoughts are with his family. We ask that the family's priva- cy is respected at this delicate moment." The lifeless body of Gouder was found near the former Customs House in Val- letta. The death was not being treated as suspicious. PAGE 5 The longtime PN stalwart was contesting for the upcoming post of PN general secretary, having held the role of chief operations officer in the PN's media THE magistrate investigating Stephen Mangion's death in the waiting area of Mater Dei Hospital's emergency department has found no negligence from doctors who treated the man. Magistrate Joe Mifsud concluded that the medical staff who dealt with Mangion on the telemedicine helpline, at the Floriana health centre and Mater Dei could not have "reasonably diagnosed" Man- gion's condition. The magistrate also recommend- ed the proces verbal be published to allay public alarm caused by the death. The proces verbal was published in its entirety by the Health Ministry on Tuesday after its conclu- sions were leaked by the media. PAGE 2 Stephen Mangion

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