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MaltaToday 11 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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8 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMERCIAL AS part of its ongoing commit- ment to empowering customers in their financial planning, BOV is relaunching its Monthly In- vestment Plan on the market. This innovative offering is de- signed to help individuals take control of their financial future by investing small amounts reg- ularly, making the path to finan- cial security more accessible to everyone. In an era marked by rising inflation and increasing living costs, the importance of saving and smart financial planning has never been greater. Recognizing these challeng- es, BOVAM (BOV Asset Man- agement) has developed the Monthly Investment Plan to provide customers with an easy and effective way to start investing. With a minimum in- vestment of just €1.66 per day (€50 per month), customers can now take a proactive step towards building their wealth without the need to wait for a lump sum. "At BOV Asset Management, we are dedicated to support- ing our customers in achiev- ing their financial goals," said Mark Agius, Head at BOV As- set Management. "Our Month- ly Investment Plan is a testa- ment to our commitment to providing flexible, accessible, and reliable investment op- tions that cater to the diverse needs of our clients. By ena- bling regular investments, we help customers build a strong financial foundation, regard- less of market conditions." The Monthly Investment Plan leverages the concept of cost averaging, where investments are made at regular intervals. This strategy spreads risk by purchasing fund units at var- ying prices over time, helping to lower the average cost per unit and reducing the impact of market volatility. BOV's Monthly Investment Plan is an ideal solution for all types of investors, offering a range of funds to match differ- ent risk profiles, from conserv- ative to aggressive. Whether customers are sav- ing for a major purchase, plan- ning for retirement, or simply building an emergency fund, the plan provides the flexibili- ty and support needed to meet their financial objectives. "This product provides direct access to some of the best-per- forming investment vehicles on the market. Moreover, it en- ables investors to take advan- tage of active portfolio man- agement with small monthly contributions in line with the level of risk that are comfort- able with," Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Of- ficer at Bank of Valletta, said. "The Monthly Investment Plan is part of our broader strategy to support customers irrespective of their wealth, lifestyle or walks of life. Our core focus is to help every in- dividual to make informed and effective financial decisions and achieve their long-term goals with confidence and peace of mind." With the BOVAM Monthly Investment Plan, customers don't need to wait to accu- mulate a significant amount of money before they start in- vesting. They can begin their investment journey today, confident that they are taking a measured and disciplined ap- proach to securing their finan- cial future. For more information on how to start a BOV Monthly Investment Plan, one may visit any BOV branch and contact a Financial Advisor, or set up an appointment through www. New monthly investment plan from Bank of Valletta THE Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) celebrated its 25th anni- versary on Monday 9 September with a special commemorative event held at the historic Au- berge d'Italie in Valletta, the former home of the MTA. This milestone marks a quarter-cen- tury of dedication to promoting Malta as a premier global tourist destination, driving economic growth, and enhancing the vis- itor experience on the Maltese Islands. The event brought together a distinguished gathering of past and present MTA staff, former Chairmen, CEOs, and Ministers responsible for tourism, as well as MTA's Board of Directors. For- mer employees were recognised for their longstanding contribu- tions to the Authority's success and commitment over the years, which has played a pivotal role in shaping Malta's tourism sec- tor. The occasion also provided an opportunity to reflect on the MTA's journey and the challeng- es and achievements along the way. The event was addressed by key figures in Malta's tourism indus- try, including MTA Chairman Gavin Gulia, MTA CEO Carlo Micallef, and Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Public Cleanliness. Gulia highlighted the MTA's transformation over the past 25 years and its pivotal role in diver- sifying Malta's tourism offerings. He noted, "Our success is owed to the dedication and passion of all those who have worked within the Authority, past and present, who share the vision of making Malta a leading global destina- tion." Micallef said, "Today is not just about celebrating the Au- thority's achievements, but also about honouring the legacy of those who built the foundation for the success of the Maltese tourism industry. As we look forward to the future, the MTA remains committed to innova- tion, sustainability, and further strengthening Malta's reputation in international tourism markets to maintain tourism as a key con- tributor to the Maltese Islands' economy." On his part, Bartolo empha- sized the government's support for the tourism industry and its importance to Malta's economy, stating, "The MTA's impact on the tourism landscape has been profound, and we are determined to continue building on this suc- cess. The Authority has been a cornerstone in creating a vibrant tourism sector that promotes our unique heritage, culture, and nat- ural beauty to the world." The anniversary event also in- cluded a special tribute to former MTA staff and leadership, where their service and dedication were recognised with commemorative awards. Malta Tourism Authority celebrates 25 years

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