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GOZOTODAY 13 September 2024

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6 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 INTERVIEW What does your locality have to offer any Maltese or tourists visiting Gozo? Xewkija is the second oldest village in Gozo, rich of cultural, historical, and natural attractions. Undoubtably the majestic Rotunda, that dominates the Gozitan skyline, is a testament of faith, endurance, courage, and determination of the Xewkin. The church, known for having the third-larg- est unsupported dome in Europe, is mas- sive and impressive, a true testament of architectonic genius and amazing masonry work. The Church is beauti- fully adorned with intricate sculptures, worked locally in globigerina limestone, paintings, and religious art. Being one of the oldest villages in Gozo, its history is reflected in the architecture and local traditions. The area around the Rotunda and the old part of the village, all safeguarded under the Urban Conser- vation Plan, has preserved old streets and quaint homes, giving visitors a glimpse into Gozo's past. Xewkija's rural location also offers op- portunities for walks through the coun- tryside, where one can explore terraced fields, olive groves, and traditional farm- houses. The area surrounding Xewkija includes scenic landscapes, ideal for hik- ing or cycling, and offers a peaceful es- cape from the busier parts of Gozo. Besides, Xewkija is centrally located on Gozo, making it an ideal home since it is well connected to the rest of the island. As mayor of your locality, what is the biggest concern you have? As the mayor of Xewkija, one of my big- gest concerns revolves around balancing modernisation with preserving the vil- lage's rich cultural and historical herit- age. I do understand that every country must modernise, but I also believe that we need to strike a balance between de- velopment and preserving our unique cultural identity. GRDA's ten-year vi- sion for Gozo tries to address this con- cern so much so that through this vision, Gozo is looks at as the island of villages since this is what makes our island dis- tinct. Each village has its own charac- ter, enclosed in the different traditions we commemorate and celebrate. This is what we should keep working on and safeguarding, the fact that even though we are islanders, we are different and that is what makes Gozo attractive. Besides the tourism sector, is enough being done to attract business to Gozo? Are there any business sectors you wish to see developed in your locality? GRDA's vision for Gozo states that new sustainable economies need to be attract- ed to the island. Barts Medical School is a success story and I firmly believe that the island can build on this success and attract another highly regarded educa- tional institution. Besides, even it poses a huge challenge due to the quaint lifestyle Gozo is associ- ated with, business related to the gaming industry can be attracted to the island, especially when it comes to software de- velopment. Over the past years, the financial sec- tor on the island grew rapidly. I still be- lieve that there is room for expansion but again, today's companies want moder premises which may pose a challenge on the built environment of the island. With the redevelopment of the Gozo Rural Airfield, I believe that we can at- tract industries related to the aviation sector. We should also carefully explore the blue economy, which unfortunately, even though we are surrounded by the sea, we are not exploiting this rich nat- ural resource. The expansion of Mgarr Harbour should be considered. This may lead to the development of another ma- rina in the area and better mooring facil- ities to exclusive cruise ships, which are small, but they bring in high end tourism. How does tourism help or hinder your locality? Tourism has it's positive and less attrac- tive aspects. Our biggest concern is the strain it has on our infrastructure given that certain roads can't take the load, es- pecially at peak time. On the other hand, tourism boosts the local businesses espe- cially those businesses operating around our vibrant square. Tourism is also an opportunity of cul- MEET THE MAYOR Simona Refalo MAYOR OF XEWKIJA "I do understand that every country must modernise, but I also believe that we need to strike a balance between development and preserving our unique cultural identity."

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