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GOZOTODAY 13 September 2024

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7 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 INTERVIEW tural exchange and a promotion to our traditions. It is a means to encourage lo- cals to continue practicing and promot- ing cultural traditions and crafts, ensur- ing their survival. How do you wish to see your locality develop? I look forward to a sustainable devel- opment not only where it comes to the built environment but also when it con- cerns all our voluntary organisations, which I consider as the beating heart of our community. Through our VOs, we keep our village alive. Over the next five years, what should be the priority for Gozo in general, and your locality in particular? Over the past decade, Gozo has seen a notable increase in economic activity, leading to a significant rise in employ- ment levels. It's important to remember that in 2013, the unemployment rate in Gozo was around 7.2%, which was con- siderably higher than Malta's national average of 6.4%. By July 2024, Gozo's un- employment rate had dropped to 3.0%, a significant decline when compared to the unemployment levels registered in 2013. While this demonstrates the suc- cess of implemented policies, we cannot rest on these results alone. More efforts are needed to further promote job crea- tion and expand opportunities in Gozo. The next challenge, as I've previously mentioned, is to focus on a more sus- tainable future for the island. This is why we have published a Regional Develop- ment Strategy for Gozo. We must foster an environment that attracts new job op- portunities and develops emerging eco- nomic sectors, such as the green econo- my and research and innovation. While much has been achieved in recent years, there is always room for improvement. Property development is picking up in Gozo ... is this a good thing for your locality, or does it only benefit developers? The increase in job opportunities, changes in the macroeconomic environ- ment and measures undertaken by the Government have ignited various eco- nomic sectors in Gozo, including real estate and construction. Indeed, apart from the tourism, these two sectors were one of the main drivers behind the eco- nomic expansion in Gozo. This marked economic activity in these sectors however has been juxtaposed with other negative externalities, main- ly the visual impact of certain devel- opments in certain areas. The Gozitan society, in general, has become more sensitive about these activities and their impact on Gozo's characteristics. There seems to be increased realization that 'excessive' and 'out of place' development will impair Gozo's potential for sustain- able development and will compromise future generations' opportunities. Therefore, while investment in Gozo's real estate sector should be encour- aged, it must be pursued in a sustainable manner that promotes quality. In line with this, the previously introduced in- itiatives such as reduced stamp duty on Gozo property has been discontinued this year. At the start of the year, a new policy was introduced to preserve, en- hance, and promote Gozo's distinctive spatial features. The Planning Authori- ty (PA) issued a circular titled "Design- ing for Gozo's Distinctiveness," which outlines how the PA will adopt a more Gozo-specific approach in interpreting and applying design policies for future developments. Architectural elements such as materials and colour, which greatly influence design quality, are crucial in maintaining and enhancing Gozo's unique character. Any other comments/observations? As your Mayor, I am committed to fos- tering a unified village where every resi- dent feels empowered to reach out to the local council in times of distress. My vi- sion is to create an inclusive community that not only provides support but also actively encourages the exchange of ide- as and collaboration among all residents. Together, we can build a space where diverse voices are heard and valued, en- suring that our village remains a wel- coming environment for everyone. Let us stand together, turn challenges into opportunities, and cultivate a shared sense of belonging that reflects the true spirit of our community. Your input is vital in shaping our fu- ture, and I invite you to join me in this endeavor! There seems to be increased realization that 'excessive' and 'out of place' development will impair Gozo's potential for sustainable development and will compromise future generations' opportunities Being one of the oldest villages in Gozo, Xewkija's history is reflected in the architecture and local traditions

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