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GOZOTODAY 13 September 2024

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9 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 CULTURE enchanting coastline before him, he decided to give it a go. He describes the first time he trekked solo the whole route as an endurance challenge, in a little over ten hours of con- tinuous, non-stop walking. However, these ten hours can expand depending on the phys- ical ability and knowledge of the routes. Knowing the trails, finding the right time and sea- son and being well-trained are essential for tackling this kind of challenge. Jesmond believes that March, April, and May are the best months for tackling such an adventure, insisting that win- ter brings in the danger of slip- pery terrain and several factors that must be accounted for. For example, stormy weath- er and rough seas will make walking beside the shoreline unmanageable. This will inev- itably lead to inland detours, thus increasing the length of the journey too. On the other, summer is too hot for such an excursion. When it comes to the nitty gritty details of his adventure, Jesmond explains that he start- ed his hike armed only with food, water and a first-aid box at around 5.30 from the salt- pan area in Xwejni. Planning had to be done in terms of time too. Knowing sunrise and sunset is essential as one can- not tackle specific dangerous terrain at dusk or when night- time is approaching. Similarly, Jesmond highlights the impor- tance of planning the route. Being a local, Jesmond did not need maps, as he knows the is- land of Gozo pretty well. How- ever, he advises that whoever intends to attempt this hike carefully studies the route, thus avoiding stumbling on a path that leads nowhere. Jesmond's coastal trekking took a clockwise route from Xwejni onto Marsalforn, Ram- la, and so on, eventually return- ing to his starting point. Seeing that he tackled the first lap of his course in the semi-dark of dawn, he wanted to ensure the complete visibility of daytime when facing complex and dan- gerous sections of the path. He mentions that the most chal- lenging parts of the coast are the areas between San Blas and Daħlet Qorrot, as the rough terrain is riddled with huge boulders. Similarly, he explains that climbing up the Xlendi cliff zone that leads to Kerċem is strenuous. By the time the stretch of trail is reached, tiredness would have kicked in, and the uphill walk involves constantly arching your neck upwards. He remarks that there were two points in San- nat where the coastal path was blocked; thus, he had to reroute inwards to continue his trail. Trekking the shoreline can be demanding as Gozo's topog- raphy involves uphill climbs, rocky descents, and cliff edge stretches on precarious coun- try paths. When it comes to the route itself, Jesmond explains that although there is a path, this can be narrow and easy to miss when it's hidden by vege- tation overgrowth. When asked what the most beautiful thing about this chal- lenge was, he cheerfully ex- plained that it was a great sat- isfaction to conquer the route at fifty without much training. Moreover, for him, it is always inspiring to be close to nature as it is the best way to spend the day away from daily wor- ries. Subsequently, Jesmond tack- led the trekking trail around Gozo again, at one time even in the company of his wife, and they split the route over two days, opting to do it more at leisure and camping outside at night time. Finally, when asked for sug- gestions for those interested in tackling such a challenge, Jes- mond, true to his scout spirit, is quick to answer: • Make detailed plans about the route and time. This is not a route to tackle lightly; planning is critical to ensure safety and success. • Try parts of the route in sections, and do not at- tempt it all in one go the first time around. In this way, you'll know what to expect. • Ensure you have adequate physical training before- hand to avoid strain. • Equip yourself with pro- fessional trekking shoes with good grip. A pair of running shoes will not do. Think about water sup- ply, food, a small first-aid kit, and possibly walking sticks. A GPS tracking de- vice is also suggested for safety purposes. • Take suitable precautions and ensure you're safe at all times. Consult with experts and professionals if this activity is out of your depth. • Doing the route with someone else is the best option. Apart from hav- ing good company, it is safer. He smiles as he utters his last suggestion, 'Have fun while you're doing it!', quickly adding that trekking in Gozo is still ex- citing even if you opt for a mi- nor and less challenging route.

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