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GOZOTODAY 13 September 2024

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4 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS THE Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Malta Djoeke Adimi-Koek- koek met the Gozo Tourism Association (GTA) council last week while on a visit to the island. During this meeting the GTA council, led by its chairman Paul Scicluna, gave an over- view of the tourism scenario prevailing pres- ently in Gozo with a special focus on the Dutch market. After this presentation both sides discussed a number of topics related to the tourism sector, focusing on connectivity, seasonality, new niche markets and enhancing arrivals from the Netherlands. Other issues discussed included eco tour- ism, sustainable tourism as well as initiatives that can improve sustainable mobility. At the end of this meeting Adimi-Koekkoek signed the visitors book and was presented with a copy of the GTA's publication, Gozo Hidden Treasures, by Scicluna. The Gozo Tourism Association council in a meeting with Dutch ambassador Djoeke Adimi-Koekkoek GTA council hosts Dutch ambassaador FOR the second year in a row, the Gozo Regional Council has hosted a group of Ukrainian youths, hail- ing from war-torn regions near the border with Russia. The Gozo Region organised this initiative in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions and the Association for Ukrainian Cities. 10 youths and their leader got a break from the war and spent sev- en days in Gozo, attending a num- ber of activities organised by local councils on the island and other organisations. The youths, aged from 11 to 14, enjoyed physical activities such as watersports, horse riding and walking with alpacas to more so- cial activities such as games with local youths. The flights and accommodation were provided by the Gozo Re- gional Council while the activities were sponsored by the participat- ing local councils and organisa- tions. The local councils that partici- pated in this initiative are Rabat Città Victoria, Fontana, Għajn- sielem, Għasri, Munxar, Nadur, San Lawrenz and Żebbuġ. Each local council and entity showed the youths around their respective locality and organised fun activities such as swimming, pottery, horse riding, feeding farm animals, ice-breaking games, dancing and even a boat tour around the islands of Gozo and Comino. The youths also got a taste of Gozitan culture as they enjoyed some traditional Maltese food and attended a village festa BBQ. The Nadur Teen and Youth Centre, Local Councils' Associ- ation, KIP Gozo Ltd, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Gozo and Rexy Restau- rant Gozo orgaised activities for the visiting youngsters. The President of the Region, Dr Samuel Azzopardi commented: "For the second year in a row, the Gozo Regional Council decided to host and welcome another group of students from Ukrainian cities directly affected by the war. This we did to show solidarity and to offer some respite to the young people of Ukraine, far away from the bitterness and harshness of the war that is still raging on Europe- an soil. It is our little contribution towards the plight that the people of Ukraine are going through and we sincerely hope that this little contribution from the Gozo Re- gion helps in resolving the deter- mination of the Ukrainian people to secure the sovereignty of their country." At its core, the initiative aspires to create a haven of safety and nor- mality for these young participants. Through a structured routine, they are granted the opportunity to regain their sense of confidence and optimism. The goal is to help them rediscover a semblance of normality while nurturing a re- newed sense of belonging within the European community. The camp had a mix of physical, social and mental activities. The Gozo Regional Council and the supporting Gozitan Local Councils thanked the European Committee of the Regions and the Association of Ukrainian Cities for making this impactful initia- tive a reality. This collaborative effort extends a helping hand to those in need and exemplifies the potential of global partnerships to bring about positive change. Second summer camp for Ukrainian children organised by Gozo Regional Council The youngsters enjoyed horse riding in Qala, feeding alpacas in Xewkija, and exploring the Dwejra Marine Interpretation Centre in San Lawrenz

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