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3 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 18 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS mission: Youth dialogue in first 100 days, on cyberbullying and sport diplomacy "You should use a strategic foresight approach to look at challenges in this regard," the letter states. A "central part" of Micallef's role will be to give "young people a greater freedom and responsibility" within Euro- pean societies and democra- cies. Micallef will be tasked to prepare a strategy on inter- generational fairness that will map out how communica- tion between generations can be strengthened. The strate- gy will have to ensure that the interests of present and fu- ture generations are respect- ed throughout the EU's law making and policy initiatives. "I would like you to take forward initiatives that en- sure that young people can use their voice to help shape Europe's future, including by coordinating the work of col- leagues on the annual youth policy dialogues, the first of which should take place within the first 100 days," Von der Leyen told Micallef. The Maltese commission- er-designate will also help set up the President's Youth Advisory Board to advise on issues that matter to peers in their community and act as a sounding board for ideas de- veloped by the Commission. A more significant task will be to "focus" on the impact of social media and excessive screen time on young people. "You will lead the work on an action plan against cyberbul- lying," Von der Leyen said, adding that she also expect- ed Micallef to contribute to the EU-wide inquiry on the broader impacts of social media. Micallef will, with other members of the Commis- sion, be responsible for the implementation of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. In the fields of culture and sport, Micallef is expected to develop a new "culture com- pass", described as an "over- arching strategic framework to guide and harness the multiple dimensions of cul- ture", and "focus" on im- proving the working condi- tions of artists and cultural professionals. "You will make proposals to make it easier for people, in particular the younger gen- eration, to visit and make the most of our cultural herit- age," Von der Leyen said. Strengthening sport diplomacy Micallef will also be expect- ed to prepare a new strategy to "strengthen the European sport model based on soli- darity, values and competi- tiveness". He is also expected to "strengthen European sport diplomacy" by engaging with partners around the world and focus on the impact of major sporting events. One of Micallef's tasks will be to update the Council rec- ommendation on physical activity intended to enhance mental wellbeing. Micallef will be working under the guidance of the executive vice-president for people, skills and prepared- ness, a portfolio handed to Romanian nominee Ruxana Minzatu. The Directorate General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport will support Mi- callef in his work. "Given the scale of the chal- lenges and the many issues in our in-tray, we must hit the ground running on day one," Von der Leyen said, inviting Micallef to get in touch with the relevant services that would fall in his portfolio to prepare for his hearing in the European Parliament. intergenerational fairness, sport, and culture. Looking forward to working togeth- er with President Ursula von der Leyen towards one goal: making Europe stronger." During the press confer- ence announcing the port- folios, Von der Leyen de- scribed intergenerational fairness as a "cross cutting topic". "It affects all of us – and especially young people. It is about the right balance in a society. And I have entrusted Glenn to watch over it," she said. In a first reaction, Na- tionalist MEP Peter Agius sounded a warning that Prime Minister Robert Ab- ela's insistence to push for- ward with his former chief of staff's nomination would prove to be an uphill strug- gle for Micallef. "It will be uphill for him to pass from the European Parliament's grilling. I wish him the best," Agius said, adding he hoped Micallef would be influential enough to impress upon the Commis- sion before it acts on deci- sions that affected Maltese and Gozitan interests. Nationalist MEP David Casa said Micallef had im- portant subjects under his wing "but it's still the weak- est Commissioner portfo- lio ever assigned to Malta. A sad inevitability of the prime minister's stubborn- ness in putting the internal squabbles of the PL above the interests of the coun- try." The Labour Party said Micallef's portfolio was the voice of Europe's young generation, and said it was regretful that the Opposi- tion had attacked the Prime Minister's choice for nom- inee. "It is truly an insult to youths from a petty and sensationalist Opposition that is fixated with parti- sanship." President • Ursula von der Leyen of Germany Vice presidents • Teresa Ribera Rodriguez of Spain, as clean, just and competitive transition, tasked with overseeing the European Green Deal and decarbonisation • Henna Virkunnen of Finland is commissioner for tech sovereignty, security and democracy (digital tech, internal and external security, rule of law); • Stefane Séjourné of France will be commissioner for prosperity, industrial strategy (industry, single market, companies, investment, invocation, economic stability); • Estonia's Kaja Kallas will be High Representative for foreign and security policy; • Roxana Mînzatu of Romania will be commissioner for people, skills and preparedness (skills, jobs, social rights); • Raffaele Fitto of Italy will be commissioner for cohesion and reforms (cohesion policy, regional development). Other Commissioners • Maroš Šefčovič (Slovakia) Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security. This is a new portfolio which includes customs policy, together with a second role, Commissioner for Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency. • Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia) will also have a double role as Commissioner for Economy and Productivity, and Commissioner for Implementation and Simplification. • Dubravka Šuica (Croatia) will be the Commissioner for the Mediterranean and wider southern neighbourhood. • Olivér Várhely (Hungary) will be Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare. • Wopke Hoekstra (Netherlands) will be the Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth. • Andrius Kubilius (Lithuania) will be the Commissioner for Defence and Space, working on developing the European Defence Union and boosting investment and industrial capacity. • Marta Kos (Slovenia) is yet to be approved by her government and will be Commissioner for Enlargement, also responsible for the Eastern neighbourhood, and on supporting Ukraine to continue the work on reconstruction, and support candidate countries to prepare them for accession. • Jozef Síkela (Czechia) will be the Commissioner for International Partnerships, working on Global Gateway. • Costas Kadis (Cyprus) will be the Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans. • Maria Luís Albuquerque (Portugal) will be the Commissioner for Financial Services and the Savings and Investment Union. • Hadja Lahbib (Belgium) will be the Commissioner for Preparedness and Crisis Management and equality. • Magnus Brunner (Austria)) will be the Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration. • Jessika Roswalln (Sweden) will be the Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy. • Piotr Serafin (Poland) will be the Commissioner for Budget, Anti-Fraud and Public Administration. • Dan Jørgensen (Denmark) will be the Commissioner for Energy and Housing. He will be the first ever Commissioner for Housing – looking at all aspects from energy efficiency to investment and construction. • Ekaterina Zaharieva (Bulgaria) will be Commissioner for Research and Innovation. • Michael McGrath (Ireland) will be Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law. • Apostolos Tzitzikostas (Greece) will be Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism with responsibility for mobility of goods and people. • Christophe Hansen (Luxembourg) will be the Commissioner for Agriculture and Food. • Glenn Micallef (Malta) will be Commissioner for intergenerational fairness, youth, culture and sport. The new Commission insists Micallef's is 'one strongest portfolios' Prime Minister Robert Abela said Glenn Micallef (inset) was given one of the strongest portfolios (Photos: DOI)

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