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MALTATODAY 22 September 2024

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Part 2 commemorating 60 years of independence maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE > THE Cabinet also decided that Mr J. Axisa, High Commissioner for Malta in London, and Mr F. Amato Gauci, un- der-secretary for external affairs should represent Malta during the independ- ence celebrations of Zambia. Zambia gained independence from the UK on 24 October 1964. THE Cabinet discussed the phenomenon of trading stamps, which were schemes through which consumers collected stamps from participating retail outlets that they could then trade for free gifts. Although not illegal, there was concern over the impact it could have on retailers who do not partic- ipate in these schemes and the "insidious influence" they may have in "urging the housewife to keep on spending". The min- ister of industrial development said he was awaiting a report from the General Retail- ers Union on the matter. But in Memo 332, the minister was proposing the prohibition of prize-giving schemes connected to the sale of goods except where these were op- erated "directly and exclusively" by an im- porter, manufacturer or seller in relation to their own goods. Ministers also discussed the "current complaint" about the rise in the cost of living. The minister informed Cabinet he was consulting the Price Con- trol Board and was "issuing a press release" on the matter. THE issue concerning the persons dis- charged in 1955 came to be known as the 'ex-800'. These were 800 govern- ment employees who were discharged in the first months of the 1955 Labour administration. The PN had pledged to reinstate the ex-800 but after two years in government it was still grappling with how to fulfil its pledge. A memo pre- sented to Cabinet in March 1964 said the government had very few vacancies and so complete reinstatement "is al- most impossible" but more importantly, the number of persons who were regis- tering as unemployed when the PN took office in 1962 was between 20 and 30 but had grown to around 100 by 1964. "It is the general idea of those discharged persons (ex 800) who are registering for employment at the Labour Office, that they should be given a job with the gov- ernment and that those who have been lucky to have been given a job with pri- vate industries or individuals, still claim that they have a right to obtain a govern- ment job," the memo read. The minister laid out the difficulties of prioritising the ex-800 over other people who were registering for work and who would be higher on the priority list. THE Cabinet also agreed to the rec- ommendations made in Memo 282 prepared by the Prime Minister, which spoke of the Malta Defence Agreement – Training and exercise areas. The Maltese government accepted that beach landing exercises by the British troops could be carried out at Għajn Tuffieħa and Mellieħa twice a year but these had to take place be- tween November and March, outside the tourist season. The British services were also asked to examine the possi- bility of using Armier Bay instead. The memo also sought to protect fishing areas and it was agreed that the navy will not carry out firing exer- cises against Filfla afternoon between 1 May and 15 August. Additionally, night firing will only take place "on the five days of the full moon". The memo also states that the Mal- tese representatives wanted the British to give up both the Ghajn Tuffieha and Ghadira camps since both localities had "tourist development potential". The Cabinet was also in favour of acceding to a request by the British services to lay down floating spars to close off an area of water adjoining the Ricasoli Lido, which was the property of the British services. The issue was laid out in Memo 305 prepared by the Prime Minister in August that year. The government was willing to grant the concession on an encroachment permit that made it clear the British services held no right over the en- closed area, the area would remain public and its use by the public should not be hampered, while the spars could only be laid down during the bathing season. The memo said the British services were willing to accept these conditions. Cabinet meeting 28 September 1964 Broadcasting Authority nominations and diplomatic privileges Cabinet meeting 8 October 1964 Trading stamps and their 'insidious influence' Cabinet meeting 13 October 1964 Cost of living, the ex-800 and Kingsgate Project Cabinet meeting 29 September 1964 The new merchant marine flag, British troops, Filfla and tourism The Broadcasting Authority in March 1965: (From left to right) Mr. G. Muscat Azzopardi, Dr. V. A. Mercieca, Mr. J. A. Manduca (Chief Executive); Judge A. Montanaro-Gauci (Chairman), Mr. A. J. Ellul (Secretary), Rev. Fr. P. Serracino Inglott, Mr. J. Vella. (Photo: BA website) Screen shot from footage of British troops training at Ghajn Tuffieha Bay (Credit: Imperial War Museums) King's Gate was pulled down in 1964 to make way for a new gate (above) and a wider bridge designed by architect Alziro Bergonzo. Bergonzo's gate was eventually pulled down in 2011 to make way for the current structure designed by Renzo Piano. "Rise in the costs of living Mr M. Petrococchino and Mr L. Sammut Briffa were called to give their views on the reported general rise in the proce of foodstuffs. It was confirmed that the position was constantly under review and that positive steps were being taken by the police to check prices of commodities. […] Re-employment with the government of persons discharged in 1955 (memo no. 263) It was explained that a number of government employees were discharged during the Labour administration in 1955. The Nationalist Party had pledged in its electoral programme to do its best to re-instate them. The Cabinet agreed to the following measures: i) To amend the National Employment Act so that consideration may be given to those persons who were discharged during 1955 and who were still unemployed.; ii) The Ministry of Labour to be informed of all vacancies that may exist in government departments so that appropriate action may be taken to fill these vacancies by persons who were discharged in 1955 and were still unemployed; iii) Government departments to draw for their labour requirements on surplus staff that may exist at the Public Works Department as a result of this exercise. Kingsgate Project The Cabinet heard again the views of the Director of Public Works on the designs of the Kingsgate Project prepared by Dr Bergonzo and by the Public Works Department. The merits and demerits of the designs were fully considered. The Cabinet decided in favour of the design of Dr Bergonzo." "Malta Broadcasting Authority The Cabinet was informed that the appointment of the members of the Malta Broadcasting Authority was due to expire on the 28 September, 1964, and was asked to submit the names of persons who would hold office as chairman and members of the Broadcasting Authority for the new term. Several names were proposed, among whom Judge Montanaro Gauci, Mr Giuseppe Pace, Dr V. Mercieca, Mr. Antonio Spiteri Mallia were mentioned. The Hon. Prime Minister was to consider the matter further after he had consulted the leader of the Opposition in terms of Section 121 of the new Constitution of Malta. "Diplomatic privileges and immunities to representatives of governments and of international organisations (Mr F. Amato Gauci, under-secretary for external affairs, was in attendance) It was agreed that in anticipation of the enactment of the required legislation, diplomatic and consular agents accredited to Malta be granted by administrative action the financial privileges contemplated by the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Consular Relations, as described in minute (4) in file." "Mercantile marine flag for Maltese shipping (Memo no. 304) It was confirmed that Maltese shipping should now fly the marine flag as shown in Figure 2 in file, with a white Maltese Cross placed in the centre of a red a field."

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