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MALTATODAY 22 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 THIS IS A PAID COLLABORATION The European Mobility Week seeks to promote clean, alter- native, and sustainable urban transport with the main aim being to encourage a shift in the way people commute whilst also promoting health- ier options such as walking and cycling. The proposed actions as part of this campaign, should not be limited to the timeframe of the European Mobility Week that is, between 16th September and today. The EU Commission has extend- ed the campaign through the MOBILITYACTION label, to further encourage the im- plementation of sustainable mobility promotional actions throughout the entire year. The campaign gives local- ities the chance to explore the role of their respective streets and to look at, and possibly implement practical solutions to tackle issues related to urban challenges, such as traffic congestion, air pollution, lack of accessibility and lack of street liveability in urban village cores. The campaign also enables local- ities to focus on the increase of pedestrianised zones in urban village cores as well as the introduction and pro- motion of cycle lanes in the respective town/village. Local Councils and NGOs are strongly encouraged to use this programme to also pilot innovative sustainable and alternative mobility measures and, to gather feedback from residents on same. Furthermore, the European Mobility Week is also an excellent opportunity for local stakeholders to work together and discuss the dif- ferent aspects of sustainable mobility and air quality, find solutions to reduce car-use, parking problems and, by default transport emissions. Possibly, one can also, in the process, test new technolo- gies and planning measures. The theme of this year; Let's work together to improve Shared Public Space! includ- ed various initiatives under 4 main pillars. 1. Experiencing public space in a different way: allowing for all to use safely and enjoy, allowing for personal mobility as well as social interaction. 2. Redeveloping urban space together: ensuring the involvement of the local community taking into con- sideration different users and transport modes. 3. School streets: creating safe school streets support a generational transition towards safer active mobility. 4. Planning and designing safer streets: Mobility man- agement plans and urban planners should seek how to balance road space alloca- tion, and to protect vulnera- ble road users. To assist Local Councils and Non-Government Organisa- tions (NGOs) to be part of this EU-wide campaign, Transport Malta in conjunction with the Ministry for Transport, Infra- structure and Public Works, launches two annual pack- ages namely the Package for Permanent Sustainable Mobility Measures, and the Package for European Mo- bility Week Small Events and Activities, which are open till 15th October 2024, as well as an Open call for Partnerships with Schools. These packages cater for the initiatives under pillars identi- fied above, among others, and organisations are en- couraged to reach out to the Authority as well as consult the website futuremobility. for further informa- tion throughout the year. Following several years of planning, the Public Service started to shift its fleet from one operating with combus- tion engine cars to electric vehicles. This ambitious project, which came in- to force after a phase of detailed study, will replace 376 Internal Combustion Engine vehicles with 250 EVs equipped with the latest technology on the mar- ket, an investment of over €10,000,000, co-financed by European Funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan. The new fleet was launched during the Public Service Expo 2024, by the Prime Minister Robert Abela and Principal Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana. The Public Service is not an exception in contribution to reach the environ- mental targets by 2030, because it is embracing sustainability with several environmental projects, such as open spaces in the heart of our villages, better infrastructure, various grants, and free public transport for every- one. Indeed, the new fleet will reduce 259 tonnes of CO 2 emissions per year which in other words are equivalent to 9,850 trees around our islands. These statistics are evidence of how the public administration play is playing its part to ensure that the country reaches its environmental targets. This project is being considered as the biggest investment within one organisation in Malta, in sustainability, which will result in a better quality of life. In addition, the investment in these vehicles is just the beginning of a bigger strategy because the public ser- vice invested an additional €350,000 to procure 49 Charging Pillars, which are currently being installed all over Malta and Gozo. Sustainable mobility action all year round A new EV fleet for the Malta Public Service A reduction of 259 tonnes of CO 2 emissions per year

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