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GOZOTODAY 4 October 2024

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11 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 4 OCTOBER 2024 CULTURE IL-ĦAĠAR | Heart of Gozo Mu- seum has launched its cultural programme for the first quarter of its events season, which starts during this month of October. At a press conference this week at the museum premises, Administrative Council Presi- dent Joseph Borg explained that "since opening the museum's doors almost twelve years ago, the management's vision was never to have a static museum, where artefacts are simply dis- played in a fixed manner. Rath- er, we always wanted a muse- um brimming with life all year round, so that the arts, culture, and education would be more accessible to everyone." Run entirely on a volunteer setup, Il-Ħaġar | Heart of Gozo Museum, Cultural Centre and Community Space has in recent years gained an excellent rep- utation for the rich quality of events it hosts. So much so that in 2023, it be- came the first private institution in Gozo, after the publicly run Ġgantija Temples, to be award- ed the Quality Assured mark by the Malta Tourism Authority. Last December, Il-Ħaġar was also awarded the national Cul- tural Heritage Award by Arts Council Malta. It was with all this in mind that the management of Il-Ħaġar Museum decided to launch, for the first time, a busy programme of events covering the first three months of the season, from Oc- tober to December 2024, to ca- ter to the ever-increasing num- ber of patrons, followers, and visitors. All events are free of charge and range from temporary ex- hibitions to public talks on a wide array of topics such as as- trology, prehistory, decorative arts, the history of gastronomy, and panel discussions on na- tional themes, with the partic- ipation of renowned Maltese and Gozitan academics and re- searchers. The programme also includes a number of concerts and hands- on workshops for children and students. However, the highlight of the programme is arguably the unique temporary exhibition The Annunciation: The Itiner- ary of Hope, which will be inau- gurated in mid-November and will feature works by some of the greatest European masters of the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- turies, such as Albrecht Dürer, Federico Barocci, Maestro del Dado, and Lucas Cranach, among others, most of whom will be exhibited in the Maltese Islands for the first time. Full details of Il-Ħaġar | Heart of Gozo's cultural programme can be accessed through the fol- lowing link: https://heartofgozo. let-oct-dec-24/ or on the new- ly launched museum website Il-Hagar | Heart of Gozo launches cultural programme for next three nonths MEDIRECT has renewed its support for the theatre pro- gramme of the Socjeta Filar- monika La Stella in Gozo for another year. The renewed partnership will support pro- ductions at Teatru Astra in Victoria throughout the 2024/2025 season. The donation was present- ed to Andrea Camilleri, Teat- ru Astra Director, by Frances Zammit, Senior Customer Support Officer at MeDirect's Gozo investment centre. MeDirect's ongoing partner- ship with Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella reflects its commit- ment to nurturing Maltese ar- tistic talent and supporting the local community. The bank continues to con- tribute to various cultural and charitable organisations, re- inforcing its role as a key sup- porter of Maltese arts. The upcoming season at Te- atru Astra promises a vibrant programme, starting with the highly anticipated Christmas Panto in December 2024, fol- lowed by the musical "Fiddler on the Roof" in March 2025, and culminating in the annu- al RockAstra concert in May 2025. MeDirect will be the main partner for these productions, ensuring that Gozo continues to host exceptional theatre and music. Speaking at the presenta- tion, Zammit said, "MeDirect is proud to renew its support for Teatru Astra, a cornerstone of Gozo's cultural landscape. Our partnership with Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella allows us to play a pivotal role in bring- ing world-class performances to the island. We are looking forward to another dynamic season filled with outstanding productions." Camilleri expressed his grat- itude, stating, "We are thrilled to have MeDirect continue as a key partner. With the on- going support of our patrons, sponsors, and the community, we can keep our tradition of presenting high-quality thea- tre and music in Gozo alive, a legacy we have upheld for over 50 years." Teatru Astra, inaugurated in 1968, has grown into one of Gozo's premier cultural venues, known for its diverse range of productions, includ- ing operas, musicals, and in- ternational performances. For more information, visit https:// MeDirect renews support for Teatru Astra through 2024/2025 season Frances Zammit, Senior Customer Support Officer at MeDirect's Gozo investment centre presenting the donation to Andrea Camilleri, Teatru Astra Director

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