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GOZOTODAY 4 October 2024

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4 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 4 OCTOBER 2024 NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The Xewkija mayor is Simona Refalo, daughter of Agricul- ture Minister Anton Refalo. She was elected mayor for first time in June. Last month, the Environ- ment and Resources Authority (ERA) gave the green light to the upgrading and extension of the existing airfield in Xewkija. The application now only needs approval by the Planning Authority's Planning Board. The proposal calls for the extension of the existing run- way, which is currently 174m long, to a total length of 445m including a safety area of 30m on each end of the airstrip. The envisaged upgrades are according to current interna- tional standards (ICAO and EASA). The proposed airfield would enable the introduction of an inter-island service by small aircraft between Gozo and the Malta International Airport (MIA). Camilleri said the govern- ment remains committed to enhancing the connectivity be- tween the islands. "Over the past years, besides the introduction of the fourth ferry to the Gozo Channel fleet, we also launched the fast ferry service, which service is becoming increasingly popu- lar," he said. "It is a reliable, fast, and con- venient mode of transporta- tion from Mġarr to Valletta." He insisted that the new pro- posed facility will cater for dif- ferent needs related to the avi- ation sector, a niche that the government intends to capital- ise on to attract more high-end tourism, specialised industry, and jobs to the island. "The new proposed airfield takes into consideration var- ious aesthetic and environ- mental aspects to minimise as much as possible its impact on the environment and the resi- dents of the villages that sur- round this proposal," Camilleri said. "As the Ministry spearhead- ing this project, we look for- ward to the Planning Author- ity's final decision, after all relevant studies were present- ed and reviewed." Disbelief The Xewkija council's state- ment was met with disbelief in different quarters. A spokesperson for the Gozo Regional Development Authori- ty, under whose remit the airstrip development falls, told GozoTo- day that the proposal submitted to the PA was subject to a very wide public consultation during 2022 as part of the Regional Im- pact Assessment Studies carried out by the GRDA. The RIAS looked at the eco- nomic, social, and environ- mental impact of the proposed project on Gozo. Details of the public consul- tation and the various studies carried out can be found on the GRDA website [https://]. The spokesperson said that several one-to-one meetings were held with various entities including with the Xewkija Lo- cal Council on 16 May 2022. Indeed, this meeting is re- corded in the Local Council's minutes dated 17 May 2022. A similar meeting was held with Ghajnsielem Local Coun- cil on 18 May 2022. Additionally, two pub- lic events were also held on 19 and 20 May 2022, during which several people took the opportunity to ask questions and forward suggestions. Besides the RIAS carried out by the GRDA, a subsequent and separate process was trig- gered by the submission of the applicant with the Planning Authority. Call for unified support The Gozo Tourism Associa- tion (GTA) also expressed its surprise at the Xewkija Local Council's opposition to the de- velopment of a rural airfield at Ta' Lambert in Xewkija. In a statement on Tuesday, the GTA questioned the tim- ing of the council's objection, noting that there had been am- ple opportunities for discus- sion during the public consul- tation process. Specifically, they noted how the Gozo Regional Develop- ment Authority (GRDA) held a meeting with the Xewkija Local Council to address the econom- ic, social, and environmental implications of the airfield pro- ject. "The Gozo Tourism Associa- tion believes that all Gozitans irrespective of their political creed, support initiatives that enhance and augment the con- nectivity between Malta and Gozo." The GTA stressed that Gozo should not miss out on the benefits that such a facility could provide. The GTA concluded by call- ing on politicians to put an end to "political bickering" regard- ing air connectivity, stressing the need for unified support for infrastructure projects that could improve access to Gozo. GozoToday approached Xewk- ija's mayor, Simona Refalo, for comment. Gozo Tourism Association calls for end to 'political bickering' on interconnectivity Xewkija airstrip "The new proposed airfield takes into consideration various aesthetic and environmental aspects to minimise as much as possible its impact on the environment and the residents of the villages that surround this proposal."

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