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GOZOTODAY 4 October 2024

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8 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 4 OCTOBER 2024 CULTURE OFTEN considered a more se- rene and tranquil alternative to its bustling neighbour, Mal- ta, Gozo is the second biggest island in the Maltese archipel- ago. Travellers looking for an au- thentic Mediterranean experi- ence are drawn to Gozo by its stunning scenery, rich cultur- al legacy, and friendly people. This island is a treasure trove of natural beauty and histori- cal significance, with magnifi- cent beaches and old temples. Reaching Gozo is a voyage in and of itself. Travelling by fer- ry is the most popular option, as it leaves from Malta's north- ern port of Cirkewwa, with multiple journeys carried out every single day. Those looking for a 'smooth- er' travel experience can also choose from organised tours or private boat excursions. Once in Gozo, travellers may easily explore the island by bus, bicycle, or foot due to its small size, which enables them to take their time and enjoy the breathtaking surroundings. Gozo is well known for its breathtaking scenery, which includes some of the most ex- quisite beaches in the Medi- terranean, as well as cliffs and valleys. Ramla Bay is a well- known location on the island due to its unique red sand and pristine seas. Here, guests may swim, re- lax on the beach, or partake in a variety of water activities. Moreover, the bay is home to the neighbouring Calypso Cave. With its striking coastline beauty, Dwejra Bay is another must-see natural treasure. Though the natural lime- stone arch known as the Az- ure Window collapsed in 2017, its surroundings remains outstanding with the Blue Hole—a well-liked diving lo- cation—and the Inland Sea—a charming lagoon with a tunnel connecting it to the open sea. Photographers and environ- ment enthusiasts alike will find Dwejra Bay to be a photogra- pher's dream due to its craggy cliffs and unusual rock forma- tions. Victoria, the capital of Gozo, is yet another intriguing cul- tural destination. The Cita- del, a historically significant fortified city, is located in the centre of the city. Tourists may tour museums, meander through the charming alley- ways, and take in the stunning Cathedral of the Assumption. The Citadel is a great loca- tion for photography since it provides sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape. Victo- ria is brimming with charac- ter, particularly in the summer when crafts, cuisine, and mu- sic from Gozo's rich cultural heritage are portrayed during festivals. Enjoying Gozo's delectable cuisine is a must-do while vis- iting the island. The island is well-known for its traditional cuisine, which frequently use products that are produced locally. Gozitan specialities like Ġbejniet (a tra- ditional sheep's milk cheese) and fenek (rabbit sew), which is a must-try for meat aficiona- dos, are available for visitors to enjoy. Excellent regional wines from the island's vineyards pair well with the food. Gozo is a veritable wonder- land of outdoor activities for the adventure-seeker. Hik- ing enthusiasts may discov- er breathtaking views of the shore and surrounding area from picturesque routes that snake across the countryside. The island's varied topogra- phy offers chances for horse riding, rock climbing, and cycling. For individuals who wish to explore Gozo's natural beauties in greater detail, guid- ed trips are offered. Clear seas abounding with marine life make diving and snorkelling popular pastimes. Both beginning and expert divers will love exploring the Blue Hole and the nearby un- derwater caverns. To ensure that everyone can experience the underwater beauties, a number of diving schools on the island provide training and guided dives. Gozo is a true hidden gem that provides the ideal fu- sion of leisure, culture, and adventure. The island offers unique experiences whether you choose to explore histor- ic temples, relax on a beach in the sun, or indulge in regional cuisine. It's a great place for Exploring Gozo is a never-ending

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